
《 Basic Info 》

Duels have been added as a temporary bridging system between now and when the war update can be released. Staff realise that war and conflict is a major part of the server, so this system has been implemented to give players a taste of conflict, while also keeping it lightweight and reducing the strain on staff time and resources. This is a much less structured system than the previous war system and the war system to come, but some light balancing has been implemented to make sure that the system is still fair for everyone.

《 Declaring a Duel 》

In order to declare a duel, the attacking Kingdom's leader must first have a reason or justification for a duel, which can be as simple as wanting a relic that the defending Kingdom has. They must then decide which members of their Kingdom will be fighting alongside them. It is preferred that the fighters come from the pool of the Kingdom's members, not from other Kingdoms or from the rogue population. There are three ways a duel may be declared to the defending kingdom's leader, as you can see below:

  1. Declaring a duel to the defending Kingdom’s leader via RP (Roleplay) either in-game or in discord with the reason for the duel and what they intend to duel for included.

  2. Declaring a duel to the defending Kingdom’s leader through a signed book in-game with the reason for the duel and what they intend to duel for included.

  3. Declaring a duel to the defending Kingdom’s leader via discord in #Politics, with the reason for the duel and what they intend to duel for.

After the declaration to the defending Kingdom's leader, the attacking Kingdom's leader must then send a modmail with the reason for the duel, what relic they intend to duel for and the list of players on their side participating in the duel. If the duel is deemed to be valid, a senior staff member will approve the duel and the defending Kingdom will be notified of the decision.

The defending Kingdom's leader must then send a modmail with the list of players participating on their side, the number of which depends on the relic being dueled for (See the Rules section for information).

Note: If a Kingdom leader would like to change who is participating in the duel, they must send the changes in the same modmail thread as the original roster, so that staff are aware of the change.

《 Choosing a Time and Date 》

The time and date of the duel must be decided between the two leaders of the participating Kingdoms. If a suitable time and date cannot be arranged within two weeks of the duel declaration, staff will choose a time at their discretion, this time and date may not be ideal for the Kingdoms so it is best if they choose amongst themselves.

It should be decided between the two Kingdoms during this time whether the keep inventory game-rule will be enabled, or left disabled for the duel.

Once a time, date and game-rule setting has been decided, one of the participating Kingdoms leaders must notify staff through modmail with the relevant proof that the time has been agreed upon by both leaders (screenshot of conversation).

《 The Duel and the Aftermath 》

The duel will be held at the spawn battlegrounds at the exact date and time chosen either by staff or the Kingdom leaders. At least one staff member will oversee the duel at all times. A duel is to the death and ends when one Kingdom no longer has any fighters left alive. The maximum length of a duel will be 1 hour, after that time, the winner will be decided by which Kingdom has the largest number of remaining fighters.

After the duel is over, if the attacking Kingdom has won the duel. Staff will supervise the handover of the relic to make sure the victor receives their prize. If the defending Kingdom wins, staff will likewise supervise the handover of items/gear (See Rules below).

《 Rules 》

  1. Fighter Count:

    • Attacking Kingdom: 2-4

    • Defending Kingdom: 2-4 if fighting for a relic below Legendary, 2-5 if fighting for a Legendary or God relic, 2-6 if fighting for a Static relic.

  2. If the defending Kingdom wins, the attacking Kingdom receives nothing. If Keep inventory game-rule is OFF the defending Kingdom will receive all of the gear and inventory that the attacking Kingdom's fighters possessed. If the keep inventory game-rule is ON, they receive one piece of gear or up to one stack of items from each attacking fighter of their choice.

  3. During the duel it is anything goes, players can bring any armour/weapons/potions or other items they wish. Exploitative fighting methods will still not be allowed at the discretion of staff.

  4. Players must not leave the battleground worldguard region during the duel, if the region is left for more than 20 seconds, or with intention to exploit something, that player will be disqualified.

  5. After the duel, another duel cannot be declared on the defending Kingdom for 5 days. A duel however, may be declared on a different Kingdom immediately.

  6. Groups of rogues may duel, but only if a 2x2 minimum battle can be achieved and the rogue declared on is in possession of a Relic.

  7. Building is not enabled at the battlegrounds, you also cannot use ender pearls, chorus fruit, buckets of water or buckets of lava due to the restrictions of the worldguard region.

  8. Only one Relic may be dueled at for at a time.

  9. You may only duel one Kingdom at a time.

  10. Staff have discretion to create new rules and guidelines if necessary to keep the duels fair and fun for all players.