RP Terms Glossary

All commonly used RP terms, their meaning and a short description of them can be found below in alphabetical order. If there are any extra terms that should be added, please message a staff member. If you're still confused or unsure what any of the terms mean, you may ask a staff member for help and clarification

《 Glossary 》

General Terms:

Autoing: Performing actions in role play without giving other participants a chance to react.

Canon: The official and original plots/events/or details.

Fourth Wall: The barrier between a fictional universe and reality.

FTB/Fade to Black: Skipping parts of a RP or ending the RP early.

GM/DM: The Gamemaster or Dungeon master, a person in charge of weaving a story for players. Typically this would be a staff member during a staff ran roleplay event.

Godmod/Godmodding: Roleplaying unrealistic or impossible actions, characters, events or situations.

IC: In character.

Main Character Syndrome/MCS: When a player makes everything about themselves or actively tries to steer the story to solely revolve around themselves.

Main/MC: The main character of a player.

Mary Sue/Marty Stu: A character with no flaws, infinite power, and who is perceived by everyone to be flawless perfect and the best.

Metagame/Metagaming: Using knowledge your character had no way of getting, such a knowledge from OOC.

NPC: Non-player character, generally controlled by staff members.

OC: Original character. A character created solely by a player and not taken from anywhere else.

OOC: Out of character.

Overpowered/OP: Having qualities beyond the realm of interesting roleplay or to be of too high power to be balanced and fair.

PC: Player controlled character.

Powerplay/Powerplaying: Controlling another character's roleplay character without permission.

Retcon/Retconning: To walk back previous events or pretending a plot never occurred. Generally frowned upon.

RP: Roleplay.

Self-Insert: A character made to resemble the person playing them.

Timeskip: Skipping forward in time on the server or in the storyline.

AA: After Arc, refers to a time in Exilus after the introduction of the official currency. The year of introduction is considered to be year 0 AA.

BA: Before Arc, this refers to a time in Exilus before the introduction of the official currency. The original shipwreck that stranded survivors here happened in year 5 BA.

Types of Roleplay:

1x1/One on One: Roleplay between two people.

ERP: Erotic roleplay, not allowed on the server, if someone tries to engage in this with you or any other player please contact a staff member immediately.

Group: Roleplay between multiple characters and players.

Para: Roleplay using full paragraphs only.

RRP: Romantic role play.