Kingdoms of Exilus can be a confusing place at times! There are a lot of questions that players frequently ask that aren't necessarily answered by reading the Wiki or information channels inside the Discord, so we have created this page to answer those frequently asked questions.


This system is in place to encourage both trade and conflict within Exilus. The portals are high value items that Kingdoms can strive to obtain through the various means (buying         them, warring for them, diplomacy). As the portals are highly sought after, it often gives a reason for conflict between Kingdoms, many of the wars on the server have been                     fought over a portal. Additionally, since there is only one of each portal, this allows the economy to be controlled and reduce the problems with over-inflation of resources,                     nether items have a high inherent value and are often traded for because they cannot be obtained by everyone.

This is because we wanted to make it more difficult for players to  amass very large amounts of resources from those portals, but also to make sure there is a fixed, static location for the portal. The static location makes it easier for staff to keep track of and to hand over in the event of it being lost in a war.

Minecraft's days are very short by default at only 20 minutes, our intention was to extend the entire day by 2x, making it a little longer and more realistic. It also allows players to have more time during the day and night to do things like roleplay. It will also be important for boons, quests and crafting in the future that will require it to be a certain time of day, as all the parts of the day will be longer players will have a better chance to complete these as they will have longer to do so. Sleeping being disabled follows the same reasoning, it would be difficult to roleplay a night scene if other players could sleep and skip the night, but also it would be very difficult to do certain quests, crafting and boons because when sleeping is enabled most players skip the night every night.

Rogues on the server have more freedom than those in Kingdoms, but it comes at the cost of having little to no protection. This is to incentivize joining Kingdoms and participating in the political landscape. Exilius' core gameplay revolves around Kingdoms, their conflicts and the politics between them, if there are too many rogues, this important gameplay may suffer.

Boons are the server's equivalent of achievements. You receive boons for completing various actions on the server, such as mining a certain amount of resources, killing a certain amount of mobs, logging in a number of times or being online for a certain amount of hours. Boons often award custom items that can't be obtained anywhere else or are difficult to obtain and useful resources. They are also the main way to obtain the server's official currency, Arcs.

Relics are powerful artifacts that represent the server's lore. They often have custom enchantments that can't be obtained any other way and are generally of a higher power level than regular enchanted Minecraft items. They are also a way for Kingdoms to obtain more power within the server, since Relic count determines which Kingdom is the High Kingdom. The High Kingdom and it's leader receive powerful bonuses for the time that they are High Kingdom, so this is highly sought after.

War was disabled due to some fundamental flaws within the system that made it inefficient and difficult for staff to manage. The issues with the system also led to wars not being fun for the players. It was decided to disable the system to revamp it. A new system has been worked out, however the staff team are currently waiting on a plugin to update in order to implement the new system. We believe this new system will be fun for players and it is necessary to implement new systems for everyone to enjoy.The war update will be released within the 1st month after launch of v2 (Post 22/10/22).