Horse Overhaul

Horse Overhaul is a plugin that aims to make horses more Roleplay immersive and to also make it more viable for them to be used in regular play. It has a bunch of different features, some PVE and some RP. You'll be able to breed horses with better stats than their parents over generations with this plugin, become a horse merchant selling the deeds to the fast horses you've bred and horse travel will be more viable than ever!


  • Check horse stats without a mod.

  • Display the stats of horses on a signs.

  • Better horse breeding that is more strategic and relies less on luck.

  • Crafting and using deeds for horse ownership.

  • Horses can no longer be used unless you own it or you possess the deed.

  • The ability to use colour codes in horse names.

  • Neutering foals so they cannot be bred.

  • Can't damage your own horse if it's wearing horse armour.

  • Craft whistles to call your horses.

  • Auto gear equip.

《 How to Use 》

Horse Stats:

To check a horse's stats you can right click on the horse with a carrot on a stick in your hand, bear in mind that it must be a tamed horse and owned by you, you cannot check the stats of other player's owned horses. After looking at your horse's stats, you can have those stats displayed on a sign. To do this, first place the blank sign then right click the sign with the carrot on a stick in hand, you horse's name and stats will now be displayed.


The breeding algorithm for horses has received an overhaul, you now get more generational improvements as opposed to luck. Food effects breeding results, better food gives better stats. One specific food, the golden apple, makes it so the resulting foal can't have stats worse than the sum of it's parents. You can also neuter foals with a pair of shears, once neutered a foal cannot be bred, allowing you to sell it without others being able to use it for breeding.


Horse ownership allows you to essentially claim a horse, nobody but you will be able to rename or ride the horse. Horse ownership can be transferred using a deed. Step by step instructions of how to claim ownership of a horse can be found below.

Crafting the Deed

First you must craft a blank deed using the recipe shown above. Once you have the deed, go up to the horse you would like to claim ownership of and right click it with the deed in your hand.


You can name your horse anything you like, you can even use colour codes to name your horse. You just put the colour code with no space in front of the name. You can even make the name bold, italic and more. All of the Minecraft colour codes can be found here: Minecraft Colour Codes


Once you've named your horse, congratulations you are it's new owner. You will recieve the deed to the horse and be able to sell it or store it away safely. If you'd like to rename the horse, just put it's deed in your offhand. If you've bought or recieved a deed and want to claim the horse as you own, simple right click on the horse will the deed in your hand.

Extra Features:

  • Whistles - To craft a whistle, combine a golden carrot and an iron ingot in a crafting table. You now need to assign this whistle to a horse, go up to the horse you'd like to assign it to and right click the horse with the whistle in your hand. You can then right click with the whistle to find the corresponding horse (the horse will glow, which can be seen by everyone), you can only use the whistle every 10 seconds however and your horse will only be found if it's alive and within a 100x30x100 radius of your location .

  • Saddles and armor get equipped on the horse when you right click them, you no longer have to open up their inventory first. You can still shift + click to open the horse's inventory.


  • /horseo is the main command, it gives players help on all the main features of the plugin, such as: ownership, breeding, checking stats and whistles.