
So you want to be a Rogue? Rogues are outlaws who have decided to not join a Kingdom and go their own way. There are benefits and downsides to being a Rogue, but generally being a Rogue will be much more difficult than joining a Kingdom.

Here are some of the pros and cons:


  • Don't have to take orders from anyone or have any Kingdom obligations

  • Complete freedom, do what you want whenever you want

  • Don't have to share items or gear, it's all yours!

  • Settle wherever you want, not limited to a certain area

  • Rogue specific boons


  • Your builds can be destroyed by anyone

  • Very PVP based

  • You can be stolen from by anyone

  • Little to no protection

  • Slower progress due to being alone

《 Rogue Boons

[Disabled for rework]

These boons are exclusive to rogues and give out generally good rewards. The first two boons do not stack/repeat, but the others do. In order to receive your reward you must present the correct number of player heads to a staff member. If you abuse this system in any way (e.g killing the same person over and over again to get more heads) you will not get your reward. All kills must be made without dying to PVP, you may die to PVE however and your kills will still count. If you die in PVP your kills will reset and you'll have to start again, so be careful! After you kill a certain number of players in a row you will be considered to be dangerous and a staff member will post a bounty on your head. The player that kills you will receive the reward listed in the bounty tab. To claim a reward for killing a dangerous outlaw, simply present the head of the outlaw to a staff member.

Each player may only complete the table one time. Once a player reaches 100 kills and receives their last reward, their streak is finished and they can no longer claim any more rogue boons.

DISABLED for now!









Kill 5 people

Kill 10 people

Kill 20 people

Kill 30 people

Kill 50 people

Kill 100 people


Redstone Dust

Nether Quartz Ore


Redstone Block

Diamond Sword

Diamond Block


128 Iron

32 Diamonds

1 Ender chest

1 Shulker box

1 Elytra

Relic (Custom)


0 GA

1 GA

2 GA

2 GA

3 GA

5 GA

Note: Rewards for kills stack, for example if you kill 50 people you will receive 2 Ender chests boxes (2x20 kills) 1 Shulker box(1x30 kills) and 1 Elytra (1x50 kills)