
Open GoogleDocs Electronic Portfolio Planning Worksheet and save a copy so that you can edit it. (Googledocs File Menu->Make a copy...)

Step 1: Essential Conditions - Are you ready for ePortfolio Implementation?

Step 2: Incentives - Why Create ePortfolios?

Benefits of ePortfolios - Collaborative activity

Review these articles. Then, with your team, adapt the list for your grade level/school, deleting those items that are not appropriate for K-12 schools. All of these articles were written for higher education.

Identify Incentives for participation in e-portfolio development (self-awareness, intrinsic reward systems) (Why would your students want to develop an ePortfolio?)

Step 3: What is your Purpose/Vision?

Write your vision statement for your e-portfolio implementation. Review the slide show that is embedded on the page in the Resources section and the examples provided there.

Step 4: Stakeholders - Who is involved and how will you introduce them to ePortfolios?

Identify Stakeholders in Portfolio Implementation Process and Develop Initial Communication Plan for each stakeholder group

Step 5.1: Plan for Level 1 implementation: ePortfolios as Storage (how will artifacts be created, where will they be stored?)

Step 5.2 Level 2 Portfolio as Workspace - Plan for scaffolding reflection

Step 6. Brainstorm Skills/Training Needed. Develop plan for building e-portfolio skills of various stakeholders.

Step 5.3 Develop plan for Level 3 - Portfolio as Showcase (optional for lower grades)

Step 7. Identify Resources & Assistance needed, Challenges and Barriers

Step 7.1 Identify preferred tools and rationale for selection

Step 8. Develop evaluation plan - Establish expectations/targets and timeline