2-Purpose (Why?)


Introduction by Dr. Barrett

This lesson covers the portfolio development process, and the value added of technology. My concept of the "two faces" of e-portfolios is introduced (workspace vs. showcase), along with three development levels of implementation (storage/digital archive, reflective journal/blog, presentation/structured website). You will continue with the next step of the planning process, writing the first draft of your vision statement for implementing electronic portfolios in your classroom, school, or district.

INPUTS (Objectives, Readings, Videos)

Learning Objectives: You will


Supplemental Reading/Video

* MOSEP (More Self-esteem with my ePortfolio) was an innovative multinational/multilingual project that started in August 2006 for a 2 year period and was funded under the European Commission's Leonardo da Vinci Programme. Focus of Tutorials: Teachers of students ages 14-16. The tutorials take the form of Open Learning materials and activities that can support face to face, blended learning or on-line delivery. Although the tutorials concentrate on the learning and development processes and not on specific tools, some of the activities will require participants to have access to ePortfolio tools. Links to a set of open source ePortfolio tools (Mahara) that you can use will be included.

MOSEP modules are provided as supplemental reading and activities, to extend the learning resources in this course.

OUTPUTS (Assignments, Discussions, Reflections)

This lesson's assignments:

Discussion: Discuss portfolio development process, readings

Intrinsic Motivation (TEDxASB talk + Dan Pink)

Discussion #1: What are the benefits of e-portfolios from process/product perspective (Barnstable & others listed below)? Why are you having students develop e-portfolios? How are you going to address student motivation and ownership of their portfolios?) What are the differences between the two faces of e-portfolios? Reviewing the elements of the portfolio development process, how do these elements fit into your vision of electronic portfolio development? Why is each element important? What is the teacher's role in this process?

Dialogue #2: Share your vision statement (developed as part of the planning process below) and give/receive feedback.

Implementation Plan Element

Step 2: Incentives - Why Create ePortfolios?

Benefits of ePortfolios - Collaborative activity

Review these articles. Then, with your team, adapt the list for your grade level/school, deleting those items that are not appropriate for K-12 schools. The first three articles were written for higher education.

Identify Incentives for participation in e-portfolio development (self-awareness, intrinsic reward systems) (Why would your students want to develop an ePortfolio? Why would your teachers want to help students develop ePortfolios?)

Step 3: What is your Purpose/Vision?

Write your vision statement for your e-portfolio implementation. Review the slide show that is embedded on the page in the Resources section and the examples provided there.

Alternative Assignment (building your own professional portfolio):

Address the questions above but focus on your own professional portfolio development context. What are the benefits for creating your own professional portfolio? What is your ePortfolio purpose and vision? Identify the benefits (and your motivation) for creating your own professional portfolio and write your ePortfolio purpose/audience/vision statement.

Reflection Prompt:

Portfolio development processes

Discuss the Multiple Purposes for creating e-portfolios

Discuss Balancing the 2 Faces of e-portfolios + other readings/videos - 2 mentions of e-portfolios in National Educational Technology Plan.

Reflection: CREDIT participants, write a blog entry that documents your learning activities for this lesson. What did you learn from the reading, viewing and discussions. (Optional, but recommended for non-credit participants)