3. Planning

Creating an ePortfolio Implementation Plan

The major formal assignment of this class is to collaboratively build an ePortfolio implementation plan. There is a planning template that is posted on this page in two formats: a GoogleDocs document or a Word document (attachment at the bottom of the page). If you have signed up for the facilitated class with a team, you will only need one version of this planning document that you will all develop collaboratively. I recommend making a copy of the GoogleDoc document, and sharing it with all your team members (and with my GMail address if you are in the facilitated class so that I can give you feedback as comments in the document). Even if you are taking the facilitated course as the only person from your school (a "singleton"), you will have me on your team! If you are a singleton, I could also pair you up with another facilitated class member who is from a similar situation (i.e., high school teacher, elementary school teacher, administrator, technology coordinator, etc.). Source of Image: http://downloadsoftwarestore.com/program/screenshot/46049


Open GoogleDocs Planning Worksheet and make a copy (Googledocs File Menu->Make a copy...) (or download the Word file at the bottom of this page).

Once you make a copy, you may edit the file in your own GoogleDocs account.