6-Assessment (How Well?)



During this last lesson, you will focus on using portfolios for two types of assessment: assessment for learning or formative assessment (which was discussed in Lesson 4 on reflection and in this lesson on feedback) and assessment of learning or summative assessment or evaluation. You will look at some examples of rubrics for evaluating portfolios. You will be making final updates to the electronic portfolio implementation plan, including expectations/targets and a timeline. Those taking the facilitated course for college credit may submit the plan to Dr. Barrett for feedback (optional for those taking the facilitated course without college credit).

The study attached at the bottom of this page is a Masters Thesis completed by a classroom teacher and provides an interesting case study of implementing an ePortfolio with high school students. This study shows some of the challenges and outcomes of implementing portfolios with limited technical support.

INPUTS (Objectives, Readings, Videos)

Learning Objectives:

- Make final changes to portfolio implementation plan

- Review rubrics for evaluating electronic portfolios


Supplemental Readings:

MOSEP: Module 4: Assessment of Learning outcomes and evaluation of the learning process

Action Research Project (attached) - How one teacher implemented ePortfolios with his students: "The intent of this study was to examine how qualitative assessment in the form of electronic portfolios could be conducted to engage students in their learning."

OUTPUTS (Assignments, Discussions, Reflections)


#1. How can you use ePortfolios for both formative and summative assessment?

#2. Share your implementation plan and give/receive feedback.

Implementation Plan Element:

Step 8. Develop evaluation plan - Establish expectations/targets and timeline

Alternative Assignment (building your own professional portfolio):

Address the questions above but focus on your own professional portfolio development context. Write your own self-assessment of your portfolio in your blog. Select one of the rubrics mentioned above to guide your self-assessment. Share your portfolio link with your primary audience and get feedback.

Reflection Prompt: Reflection in blog - 3-5 paragraphs: write a blog entry that documents your learning activities for this lesson. What did you learn from the reading, viewing and discussions. (Optional, but recommended for non-credit participants)

Credit Class requirement: Share final plan (or portfolio) with Dr. Barrett for feedback.

Source of image: http://www.arc.gov/program_areas/PracticalPlanningModels.asp