3-Collection (How?)


- Level 1 Portfolio (Storage)Introduction by Dr. Barrett

In this lesson, we will focus on the development and storage of digital artifacts that will provide the examples or demonstrations of learning. These artifacts should be the outcome of effective integration of technology throughout the learning process. You will begin to explore the different tools that are available to implement electronic portfolios.As part of the planning process, you will identify the different stakeholders in the portfolio development process, and begin to develop a communication plan for introducing electronic portfolios to each group.

INPUTS (Objectives, Readings, Videos)

Learning Objectives: You will


Supplemental Readings

Selecting an Online Tool

OUTPUTS (Assignments, Discussions, Reflections)

This lesson's assignments:

Discussion: How will your students use online storage and mobile devices to facilitate:

- Collection/Digital Archive Development?

- Capturing the Moment?

- as an outcome of Integrating Technology into Instruction?

Implementation Plan Activity:

Step 4: Stakeholders - Who is involved and how will you introduce them to ePortfolios?

Identify Stakeholders in Portfolio Implementation Process and Develop Initial Communication Plan for each stakeholder group

Step 5.1: Plan for Level 1 implementation: ePortfolios as Storage (how will digital artifacts be created, where will they be stored?)

Portfolio Activity

Create a matrix that identifies appropriate digital artifacts to demonstrate different portfolio purposes. Explore the various online systems that can be used to create electronic portfolios. Establish online account with chosen online service (GoogleDocs, DropBox, Box.net, etc.) and provide rationale for choice in appropriate discussion.

Alternative Assignment (building your own professional portfolio):

Address the questions above but focus on your own professional portfolio development context. Create an online space to store your artifacts and identify the artifacts you have collected in digital form and how they will be organized in your portfolio. Identify the primary audience for your showcase portfolio (the matrix identified in the Portfolio Activity above and in the Level 1 resource).

Reflection Prompt: Reflection: CREDIT participants, write a blog entry that documents your learning activities for this lesson. What did you learn from the reading, viewing and discussions. (Optional, but recommended for non-credit participants)