1-Overview (What?)

Introduction from Dr. Barrett


This first module will provide the context for creating electronic portfolios in K-12 education, including examples of online portfolios and online videos to view. You will begin the planning process for implementing electronic portfolios in your classroom, school, or district. It is also important to model the portfolio learning process, so you are encouraged to create a blog and reflect on the learning activities included in each lesson.

In 2009, Simon Sinek gave a TED talk where he discussed, "The Power of Why?" and presented the Golden Circle. This course will address all three questions about ePortfolios: What? How? Why? First, in this lesson, we need to make sure we are talking about what we mean by ePortfolios...including the benefits. In the next lesson, we will think about why we are developing ePortfolios (motivation), what we mean by process vs. product, and you will write your vision statement. In the rest of the lessons, we will discuss how to implement your vision through my levels of implementation.

INPUTS (Objectives, Readings, Videos)

Learning Objectives: You will:

Watchthe following video: ePortfolios as a Story of Deep Learning (UW2011) by Dr. Barrett (21 minutes): http://vimeo.com/eportfolios/uwbothell

Watchthe following YouTube videos: Dr. Barrett's TEDxASB: Blurring the Boundaries: Social Networking & ePortfolio Development (19 minutes)

Explore:Review some of the examples of portfolios found in the Resources section.

View the age-relevant videos provided on the Videos page in the Resources section.

Do a Google search to find online portfolios in K-12 Education. Share examples of online portfolios.

Download (below) and READ PDF: DIGITAL PORTFOLIOS: Guidelines for beginners (Pages 1-10) published by the New Zealand Ministry of Education

If you don't already have one, sign up for a blog account in either Blogger or WordPress.com.

If you don't already have it installed, download the Firefox web browser OR download the Chrome web browser.

Supplemental Readings/Videos:

OUTPUTS (Assignments, Discussions, Reflections)

This lesson's assignments:

Discussions: Introductions in designated Discussion area


Dialogue #1: Introduce yourself, where you teach, what subject(s) you teach and/or what grade level? What is your prior experience with the portfolio process --paper or electronic? what would you like to get out of this course? What are your questions about electronic portfolios? Share your blog address.

Similarities & Differences between social networks and electronic portfolios

Dialogue #2:  What does Julie Hughes' statement mean: e-portfolios should be more a conversation (2-way) than a presentation (1-way)? For those who use social networks, what do you think are the similarities and differences between the social networking  and electronic portfolio development , as you currently understand it.

Implementation Plan Element:

Open GoogleDocs Electronic Portfolio Planning Worksheet and save a copy so that you can edit it. (Googledocs File Menu->Make a copy...) or download a Word version, found as an attachment on the Planning page. (By using the GoogleDocs version, you can be assured that you are using the most recent version, and you can share it for collaboration and feedback.)

Step 1: Essential Conditions - Are you ready for ePortfolio Implementation?

Briefly (in a paragraph or two) describe your ePortfolio implementation context (i.e., age of students, type of school, access to technology/Internet, content/curriculum focus, etc.). What is your prior experience with paper-based and/or electronic portfolios?

Alternative Assignment (building your own professional portfolio):

Address the questions above but focus on your own professional portfolio development context. Define the context for developing your portfolio and assess your readiness for developing a professional ePortfolio, including your technology skill level.

Reflection Prompt: Reflection in blog - 3-5 paragraphs: write a blog entry that documents your learning activities for this lesson. What did you learn from the reading, viewing and discussions. (Optional, but recommended for non-credit participants)