Facilitated Course Communication

For those taking the course, these are the variety of strategies for facilitating communication:

Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/eportfolioacademy

Anyone can register for this Google Group, and participate in email discussions of the topics of each lesson.

A private Google Group will be established to facilitate communication for those who sign up for the Facilitated Course.

Participation in Google+ requires an individual GMail account although Google made the following announcement in October:


Unfortunately, the access to EDU accounts is limited to higher education:


Educators with GoogleApps accounts can also have private Gmail accounts, which is not as clunky as it might appear. Just use different browsers for different Google accounts (i.e., Firefox for Gmail account, Chrome for Google Apps account).

From your Google+ account, add me (eportfolios) to one of your circles and I will add you to a private circle so that we will communicate further in Google+.

Schoology Learning Management System http://www.schoology.com/The discussions in the latest facilitated course will be conducted in Schoology, an online learning management system designed for K-12 schools. Paid participants will be sent the Access Code to register for the private course.From the website, select Enter Code, provide the Access Code (sent to those who are participating in the Facilitated Course), and indicate that you are a student. If you do not have a Schoology account, you will be prompted to create one with your email address.