Level 3: Hyperlinked Portfolio

Getting Started

Before creating a portfolio, it is good to create an advanced organizer, to identify the specific artifacts that you want to include in your portfolio. Collect all of your artifacts in your digital archive and begin the process of classifying them. What major themes emerge? How would you classify what you learned throughout the program? Create a list of the documents you want to include in your portfolio. After selecting the artifacts, identify which outcome, goals, competencies, or skills each artifact demonstrates. You may find that one rich artifact can demonstrate multiple outcomes. But you should eventually find five or six major categories right now, maybe more when you think about it (and eventually compare your portfolio with your peers).  Now, create a collection for each grouping, and write an overall reflection on that grouping plus record the captions for each item that you included. Since you have all of the artifacts on an online websites, all you have to do is capture the URL.

Look at this example of Dr. Barrett's matrix (done in a spreadsheet) with a column for URL, Title, and one for each of the specific outcomes.

From start to finish this project should take you an evening or two, and most of the time will be spent in selecting the artifacts and writing captions. Another approach could be a mind map. Here is another example of an advanced organizer:


Construct the Hyperlinked Portfolio

After selecting the tool you will use to construct your portfolio, begin by creating the following pages:

Submit for Feedback

Once the portfolio is constructed, provide the link to the Home page to the class. Instructions will be provided for feedback, based on the rubric that has been provided.