4-Reflection (How?)


- Level 2 PortfolioIntroduction by Dr. Barrett

This is the most important lesson because I believe reflection is the "heart and soul" of the portfolio process. You will focus on the reflective portfolio, most often implemented through a reflective journal. The technology tool most appropriate for this level is most likely a blog. There are a variety of resources provided to scaffold the reflection process with students. The implementation plan step includes a plan for scaffolding student reflection, teacher feedback, and a plan for further professional development to support teachers' portfolio and technology skills.


Learning Objectives: You will


Supplemental Readings

Watch: SPU video on Metacognition: Reflective Thinking Strategies by Art Ellis, Director of the Center for Global Curriculum Studies, who discusses strategies for promoting student reflection on their learning process (1 hour, view in iTunes)

This video contains many practical strategies for scaffolding reflection in schools, although he does not specifically mention ePortfolios, these activities could easily be completed in a journal that students keep.


This lesson's assignments: (Outputs)

Overview of Reflection:  Constructing Meaning from Experience - Metacognition & Learning - keeping a learning journal/blog - organizing work chronologically - setting goals/planning (reflection in future and present tense) - Feedback (assessment for learning) 

Discussion: How does reflection fit into the portfolio development process? Why is it important? What is the teacher's role in this process? What tools can we use to meet the needs of the reflection process on a day-to-day basis?

Implementation Plan Elements:

Step 5.2 Level 2 Portfolio as Workspace - Plan for scaffolding reflection

Step 6. Brainstorm Skills/Training Needed. Develop plan for building e-portfolio skills of various stakeholders.

Alternative Assignment (building your own professional portfolio):

Address the questions above but focus on your own professional portfolio development context. As part of this course, you have already established your own blog (learning portfolio/reflective journal). You could also develop a reflective digital narrative video to add voice to your portfolio (digital storytelling).  See the section on Digital Storytelling.

Reflection: CREDIT participants, write a blog entry that documents your learning activities for this lesson. What did you learn from the reading, viewing and discussions. (Optional, but recommended for non-credit participants)