Senior Pictures Info

John Adams High School contracts with McDonald Studios for all official photographs of students and this includes the standard 'headshot' as its called for our Senior student's yearbook photo. However, please note a student may also choose to have senior photos taken by a photographer of their choice for personal use and needs. These pictures however will not be used for the yearbook and are only for the personal enjoyment of your family and friends and to hang on your family's wall of honor.

McDonald Studios also offers such photo sessions with a variety of backdrops or could arrange to take your student's photos at a location of their choice. There will be additional charges as with any professional photographer to do this.

Session Fees for Senior yearbook headshots:

1) $0.00 (NO FEE) if the appointment is scheduled in June, July, August or September of a student's senior year.

2) $10.00 fee if the appointment is scheduled in October

3) $20.00 fee if the appointment is scheduled after November 1 until the first friday in November of each year.

Deadline to have the senior picture taken for the yearbook is November 1st. McDonald Studio is the official photographer for the senior photographs for the yearbook. There is one option:

  • Schedule an appointment directly with McDonald Photography Studio at 326 Lincolnway West, South Bend, In 46601.