4. Quality Education




"I have dyslexia."

Summary: Mr. Yoshida, who realized that he has dyslexia when he became an adult, talks about the symptom. "I can read kanji and kanji, but due to literacy disorders (dyslexia), hiragana and katakana are difficult to read, and vertical writing is more difficult to read than horizontal writing." Created in 2017

An Example of Essential Questions: What are possible solutions to those challenges?



*Examples of Essential Question: What social issues propose challenges to societies? What are possible solutions to those challenges?




(SEL ソーシャルエモーショナルラーニングスキル)

*Examples of Essential Question: What social issues propose challenges to societies? What are possible solutions to those challenges?


*ダン・クラモト - どんな環境だとしても...Without Video


ダン・クラモト(From Music Band Hiroshima)のスピーチを聞いて

*Examples of Essential Question:

