Japanese Teachers' Reading Resource 



Extensive Reading 

Creating a classroom environment where learners feel welcomed, acknowledged, valued, and embraced.


PRESENTATIONS - We want to thank Language Teaching Organizations for their acceptance! 

2024 CLTA California Language Teacher's Association Conference Cultivating and Promoting a Sense of Belonging in Monterey,  CA. <Placed-Based Education and Project-Based Learning in A Well-Organized and Easy-To-Follow format>

2022 The 27th Japanese Language Education Symposium In Mexico 2022 第27回メキシコ日本語教育シンポジウム del 27° Simposio de la Enseñanza  Japonés en México <「規則性とセレンデピュティア-Regularidad y Serendipia」YouTube>

2021 Japanese Teachers Association in Spain 6th APJE Symposium スペイン日本語教師会主催:第6回APJEシンポジュウム <"Spain_SetubunMottainaiPresentation YouTube.mp4"

2021 & 2022 Middle East / North Africa Japanese Language Education Symposium Organized by: Japan Foundation Cairo Japan Cultural Center 中東・北アフリカ日本語教育シンポジウム 主催:国際交流基金カイロ日本文化センター <『私の毎日』単元学習計画YouTube Link

2020 The 28th Central Association of Teachers of Japanese Conference in MN. <多様化社会における日本語教育 書類リンクPDF

2020 SWCOLT/CLTA Conference 50 Years of Multilingual Magic at Disneyland Resort Anaheim, CA. <Let Generation Z Students Speak More in JapaneseリンクPDF>

2019 ACTFL ANNUAL CONVENTION AND WORLD LANGUAGES EXPO  in Washington D.C. <Culture study with students’ perspectives and diverse cultural backgrounds リンクPDF

2019 CASTEL/J Computer Assisted Systems for Teaching & Learning Conference in Busan, Korea <読み物と絵で学ぶ「日本語で読書」リンクPDF

2018 CLTA California Language Teacher's Association Conference The Quest for Proficiency in Ontario,  CA. 

日本語デジタル副教材 発表 リンク PDF>

2018 JFLA Japan Foundation Los Angeles Japanese Teacher's Moriagekai in Los Angeles, CA

2018 Sacramento Nihongo Kyoushikai in Sacramento, CA


2021年 スペイン第6回APJEシンポジウム 6月20日

国連開発計画 - 持続可能な開発目標 ( 2 飢餓をゼロに) の単元授業

ー オンライン副教材「日本語で読書」の作品「節分・もったいない」を使った授業実践とその解説 ー


本郷依子(Hongo Samurai Solutions L.L.C.)



テーマをクリックし好みの作品をGoolge Slidesにダウンロードできます。


When we make stories for the classroom, considering equality, inclusivity, and diversity in every story, how can the story provide comfort and safety for all students?

Check out the Japanese Online Downloadable Comprehension Reading Materials For Teachers: Japanese Teachers' Reading Resource 「日本語で読書」Over 60 Japanese stories teachers can download and customize for free! Funded by Japan Foundation Los Angeles

テーマ Theme 


本郷依子/Yoriko Hongo yorikosensei@gmail.com


U.S. Southern California Japanese Language Teacher, English Language Development Instructor

Learning Difference Advocate: Innovating Teaching Strategies for Each and Every Learner, Extensive Reading, Differentiation, Inclusivity and Equity, Students' Standpoint. 

Digital Marketer 


阪本久美子/Kumiko Sakamoto ksakamotomac@gmail.com



U.S. Northern California Japanese Language Teacher

Social Justice Advocate: San Francisco Bay Area to raise awareness of human rights and environmental issues in the surrounding communities. 

Connect us on our Facebook, YouTube, X, and Instagram

Check out the website: https://www.readingapprenticeship.org/

Reading Apprenticeship delivers significant results at scale 

Enabling students to excel in middle school, high school, college… and beyond