慣習と行事 Customs and Ceremonies


かぼちゃ畑 Pumpkin Field


Summary: The story of Natalie, who lives in Ohio, USA. A story about going out to a pumpkin field. There are pumpkins of various sizes and shapes. Make a jack-o'-lantern at home and light a candle to decorate it.

Created in 2016


バレンタインの日 Valentine's Day


Summary: The story of Maria on Valentine's Day. Both adults and children give gifts to celebrate.

Created in 2017


クリシナさんの感謝祭 Krishna's Thanksgiving


Summary: What kind of Thanksgiving day does Krishna's family in the United States spend? Watch TV, eat treats, and play football with your cousin after eating.

Created in 2017


私の入学式 My Entrance Ceremony


Summary: Some people want to have the entrance ceremony in September, but the main character tells the story of his parents coming to the entrance ceremony when the cherry blossoms bloom in April.

Created in 2017


私の七五三 My seven hundred fifty-three

要旨:11月の七五三に3歳のお祝いに家族と神社に行って、千歳飴をもらった思い出の話。Summary: A story of memories of going to a shrine with my family to celebrate the age of 3 at Shichigosan in November and receiving a Chitose candy.


Different coming-of-age ceremonies from around the world:

  1. “Satere Mawé Initiation” (Satere Maue- Amazon)

  2. “Rumspringa” (Amish) ...

  3. “Festa de Mocas Nuevas” (Tukuna- Amazon)

  4. “Ogiek Roar” (Ogiek- Africa) ...

  5. “Naghol” (Vanuatu- Pentecost Isles) ...

  6. “Sunrise Ceremony” (Apache Tribe) ...

  7. Etc.


私のひな祭り My Hinamatsuri


Summary: March 3rd is the Doll's Festival, and one house celebrates by decorating the Doll's Doll at the end of February. I also decorate peach blossoms and Hishi mochi, but the Hina dolls will be gone the next day!

Created in 2017


ホストファミリーのお盆 Host family "Bon"


Summary: Mr. Khan experiences Kyoto Obon for the first time with his host family.

Keywords: creative, imitation, easy, difficult, shout.

Created in 2017


師走 Shiwasu


Summary: Mr. Krishna experienced December for the first time at Mr. Yamada's house, but after a difficult day of cleaning, he wanted to return to Bangalore, India.

Created in 2017

Essential Question Example: How is contemporary life influenced by cultural products, practices, and perspectives?