Welcome to the

Database for Ionospheric Model Evaluation - DIME


The idea of DIME is to create a fair database for the evaluation and assessment of ionospheric and plasmaspheric models in terms of electron density. The tool can be further used to make a pragmatic comparison between the models.

The following models have been already evaluated:

  • IRI - 2016

  • NEDM - 2020



Several graphs are created for each model and dataset, allowing to analyze the main differences of the models in comparison to reference observations. Measurements used as reference are obtained by in-situ and remote sensing instruments. Four cases of study was created and evaluated. Check out the experiments section for details.

So far, four datasets were created to run the evaluations:

  1. 2013 Storm

  2. 2015 Storm

  3. 2017 Storm

  4. 2018 Storm

The datasets are separated in cases of study. Each study case has simple files, in which the interested part needs to read the file and run the model of interest for the time and locations indicated in the files. The output runs needs to be shared with DIME. Please, check out our guideline for more details.

Anyone interested in the evaluation of ionospheric and plasmaspheric models in terms of electron density is welcomed to use DIME. However, a few restrictions needs to be outlined for a fair comparison between the models. Please, check out our guideline for more details.