International Reference Ionosphere

Model Runs

click in the instrument of interest to see the results

Model Characteristics

Scale: Global

Version: 2016

Date of runs: 01/March/2021

Horizontal Resolution: Electron density values were computed directly for each point.

Vertical Resolution: Electron density values were computed directly for each point. The altitude range is limited from 65 to 2000 km.

Input data in the date of interest: No data in the day of interest was used. The model is used to predict climatological patterns.

Brief description: The International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) is an international project sponsored by the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and the International Union of Radio Science (URSI). Several steadily improved editions of the model have been released. In this experiment, we have used the Fortran source code of the version 2016. Since IRI is a climatological model of the ionosphere, it allows the computation of electron density and TEC values for any location and time, which is expected to show smooth patterns of the main characteristics of the ionosphere.

Publication: D. Bilitza, IRI the International Standard for the Ionosphere, Adv. Radio Sci., 16, 1-11,, 2018.

Person who has created the results: Fabricio S Prol,

Additional Information: All runs were made with the default options.

Website: More details can be found at