All Runs

Quiet Time - 73.2015


Instrument: Simulation

STEC residuals

The graph represents the number of points within specific STEC errors. It can be understood as 2D histograms of the STEC errors.

y-axis is related to the STEC error (model-simulation).

x-axis is related to number of observations.

Bins were computed to keep 50 pixels in the x and y directions.

VTEC maps

Top panel shows the VTEC values obtained by the simulated grid.

Mid panel shows the corresponding VTEC values computed using the model.

Bottom panel shows the difference (VTEC model - VTEC simulation).

y-axis is related to the geographical latitude. x-axis is related to the local time.

Each column shows the VTEC maps at distinct universal times.

Units in TEC Units: 1 TECU = 10^16 el/m^2

VTEC maps - from ground to 1300 km

Top panel shows the VTEC values obtained by the simulated grid.

Mid panel shows the corresponding VTEC values computed using the model.

Bottom panel shows the difference (VTEC model - VTEC simulation).

y-axis is related to the geographical latitude. x-axis is related to the local time.

Each column shows the VTEC maps at distinct universal times.

Units in TEC Units: 1 TECU = 10^16 el/m^2

VTEC maps - from 800 to 20000 km

Top panel shows the VTEC values obtained by the simulated grid.

Mid panel shows the corresponding VTEC values computed using the model.

Bottom panel shows the difference (VTEC model - VTEC simulation).

y-axis is related to the geographical latitude. x-axis is related to the local time.

Each column shows the VTEC maps at distinct universal times.

Units in TEC Units: 1 TECU = 10^16 el/m^2

FoF2 maps

Top panel shows the FoF2 values obtained by the simulated grid.

Mid panel shows the corresponding FoF2 values computed using the model.

Bottom panel shows the difference (FoF2 model - FoF2 simulation).

y-axis is related to the geographical latitude. x-axis is related to the local time.

Each column shows the FoF2 maps at distinct universal times.

HmF2 maps

Top panel shows the HmF2 values obtained by the simulated grid.

Mid panel shows the corresponding HmF2 values computed using the model.

Bottom panel shows the difference (HmF2 model - HmF2 simulation).

y-axis is related to the geographical latitude. x-axis is related to the local time.

Each column shows the HmF2 maps at distinct universal times.

Ne maps at 200 km

Top panel shows the Ne values obtained by the simulated grid.

Mid panel shows the corresponding Ne values computed using the model.

Bottom panel shows the difference (Ne model - Ne simulation).

y-axis is related to the geographical latitude. x-axis is related to the local time.

Each column shows the Ne maps at distinct universal times.

Ne maps at 600 km

Top panel shows the Ne values obtained by the simulated grid.

Mid panel shows the corresponding Ne values computed using the model.

Bottom panel shows the difference (Ne model - Ne simulation).

y-axis is related to the geographical latitude. x-axis is related to the local time.

Each column shows the Ne maps at distinct universal times.

Ne maps at 1400 km

Top panel shows the Ne values obtained by the simulated grid.

Mid panel shows the corresponding Ne values computed using the model.

Bottom panel shows the difference (Ne model - Ne simulation).

y-axis is related to the geographical latitude. x-axis is related to the local time.

Each column shows the Ne maps at distinct universal times.

Ne profile at 00 hours UT

y-axis is related to the geographical altitude. x-axis is related to the electron density.

Each profile refers to distinct latitudes and longitudes.

Ne profile at 12 hours UT

y-axis is related to the geographical altitude. x-axis is related to the electron density.

Each profile refers to distinct latitudes and longitudes.

Plasmaspheric Slices of Electron Density

All panels show slices of electron density profiles from the ground up to 20000 km. They are referred to the maps at 0 hours UT of DOY 073.

Left parts of the graphs are correspondent to the daytime. Right sides of the graphs are related to the nighttime.

y-axis is related to the Earth's rotation axis, named Z axis in the cartesian coordinate frame.

x-axis is related to the geographical X axis in the cartesian coordinate frame.

Panels are related to the longitude meridians cutting the Earth in -180° and 0°.

The Ne color is giving in log scale.

The difference color is given by the ration between the model and the simulation values.