
Butterflies float

With petals and feathers

In every note

Of your voice. In its tenor -

Nectarine, white,

Full of light, full of sky -

There is delight -

And I will not ask why

Sometimes your voice

Shimmers like a bright star -

Sometimes it's close

Sometimes it's far

Sometimes I hear in it

Rivers and streams

Sometimes I see in it

Passions and dreams

Sometimes it crests

Like a wave in a sea

Sometimes it nests

Like a bird in a tree

Sometimes it rings

Like a vanishing bell

Sometimes it sings

As if casting a spell -

Sometimes it flings

Like a lasso, ensnares

Prey. Or grows wings

And then flies everywhere -

Sometimes it drops

Like a leaf from an oak

Sometimes it stops

Like a belltower clock

Sometimes it wafts

Like a sweet summer breeze

Or like a raft

It floats over the seas -

Sometimes I feel it

Caressing my ear

Holding me in it

Drawing me near.

Sometimes I glimpse

What your voice holds within

When it so seems,

I can fully glean

Its warmth and softness

Its passion and peace

Then I am lost in

The most perfect blissÂ