How Beautiful Are You

How beautiful are you, my love.

Your spirit is that of a dove,

Its soft downy feathers enfolding a trembling body that wants to soar to the sky.

How beautiful are you, my love.

Your whisper is murmur of waves in a sea

As they break against the sand.

You are a comet in the sky, circling the sun, 

Lighting up the night with its vapor.

You are the stars.

You are the stars.

Your beauty is that of a nightingale trill, 

That of a meadow in bloom,

That of a bird in heaven.

How beautiful are you, my love

.Nothing in the universe is as beautiful.

Tenderness of a daffodil

Elegance of a tulip

Passion of forget-me-nots looking into my eyes.

The spider web trembling in the wind between pine trees

The spring breeze

The raindrops that fall on the head.

The meadow alit in a golden mist

The cirrus clouds glowing with sunlight

The icy sides of a mountain reflecting the sun.

How beautiful are you, my love.

The whole universe shines through you as a prism 

Refined toward infinite soothing delicacy,

And simply by looking at you I am taken into the heart of love.