Cherry Blossoms

Washington cherry blossoms

On tidal basin's shore -

Hear me: You are awesome

And I your sight adore -

Branches like stems of roses

Flowers like butterflies

Resting in lustful poses

Like Dali's model lies - 

Pink, white and full of splendor -

Sensual, warm delight -

Elegant, loving, tender 

-Luminous to the sight:

How I love rubbing on you

Cheek on the flowering branch -

Let me caress you, fawn you

And with you my thirst quench -

Washington cherry blossoms -

Children of clouds and rain

Tending to all the lost ones -

Making them live again -

Bringing the world around you

Into your soft caress -

Holding them as they're drowning

In your white-pinkish dress - 

Filling their hearts with softness

And with your tender bliss -

Making them potent, dauntless -

Warriors for love and peace - 

Warriors for what you know!

Warriors for what you are!

Rising, row upon row,

Willing to travel far - 

To lands of death and darkness,

To lands of fear and doom -

To lands unfathomed, chartless

And bring those lands to bloom:

Bloom like your gorgeous branches!

Bloom in the pink and white!

Bloom, like the water quenches

Thirst, or sun dispels night!

Bringing with them your kindness

And all that's good and true -

And there you'll surely find us:

Lovers of life - and you.