To My Mother

You read me when I was little

Taught me mathematics and art,

And though I was angry and brittle

You game to me from your heart

You took me when I was homeless

And nurtured me when I was ill

And powered your loving purpose

With kindness of hear, strength and will

You taught me compassion and kindness

You taught me to be smart and strong

Protected me like a lioness

And kept away all that’s wrong

You loved me and my brother

And made us your priority

You were a responsible mother

And taught us to learn and see

You helped me in my education

No, helped me in every way

I owe, with no exaggeration

A debt I can never repay

And even though you’re in your 60’s

You are going strong still-

Working, giving, existing

As goodness empowered with will

And though you did greatly suffer

You remain shining with sun –

You are the world’s greatest mother

And I am your loving son