
I will become your mirror

Showing you what you are

Making your beauty clear -

Clear as a shooting star -

I will reflect your nose

And your blue giant eyes

Your tasteful, fitting clothes

And your athletic thighs

I will reflect your hair

Elegant, long and white,

Your haunting, soulful stare

And loving, healing light,

Your noble, gorgeous features

And your heart, soft and warm

And all the precious creatures

That you hide from the storm -

I will reflect your kindness

And your internal state,

Your talent and the timeless

Beauty that you create,

Your incandescent passion

Your love and tenderness

Your elegance and fashion

Everyone that you bless -

See your reflection in me

That I give back to you

What you evoke within me -

And if it be untrue,

Shatter me like a mirror

Scatter me wide and far

Forcing me to revere

As you say au revoir,

And as I piece the fragments

Into a disco ball

It will show without raiments

Essence and heart of All.