
Mentorship and Positive Culture (Support) Committee - Ganiva Reyes & Tammy Schwartz

Students of color are far more likely to remain in programs when they experience belonging in a cohesive cohort that centers voices of color, provides opportunity for collaborative community work, and engages in social events. Cohort facilitators must welcome frequent feedback and make space for frank discussions about institutional policies and practices that perpetuate inequity. This committee will: 

1. Identify ways that racially and ethnically minoritized teacher candidates do and do not feel included, supported, valued during their preparation program

2. Identify strategies that better support minoritized high school/college preservice candidates and practicing teachers as they matriculate in their preparation program and into the teaching field

3. Plan and initiate support structures to promote access and agency, critical capacity and empowerment, community and belonging among racially and ethnically minoritized teacher candidates and teachers

Ohio Department of Education Mentoring Toolkit

The Ohio Department of Education has produced an extensive toolkit, including guiding principles, charts, mentor standards at a glance, and many others.   Find the page here.