
The I Educate Montgomery County project aims to recruit, retain, support, and sustain the racially and ethnically minoritized* educators. Strategies include grow-your-own pipelines, sustained mentorship, induction, positive culture, licensure supports, critical consciousness, and professional development toward cultural literacy. During 2021-22, this work aims to: 

1. RECRUIT: Create the pathways from high school to college to licensure with an articulation agreement with each IHE by increasing the students who complete the YouScience assessments in 7th -10th grade in our target districts, focusing on helping students bridge the distance between their knowledge of careers and their aptitudes and talents.

2. RETAIN: Increase racially/ethnically minoritized* educator workforce pathways/teacher academies. By 2022-23, increase by at least 10% the racially/ethnically minoritized students entering post-secondary teacher education. 

3. SUPPORT: Ensure that 100% of racially/ethnically minoritized high school students, college students, and early career teachers participating in the program will be connected to mentors. 

4. SUSTAIN: Increase graduation rates of racially/ethnically minoritized students from teacher education programs each year. Ensure 80% of teachers in partner districts attend training related to equity gaps, bias, critical self-reflection, trauma/social-emotional learning, and culturally responsive teaching techniques.

*Racially and ethnically minoritized individuals are those who have been historically marginalized and are continually minoritized due to institutional practices, policies, programs, as well as individual cultural attitudes, biases, and discrimination. Racially and ethnically minoritized groups may include but are not limited to Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC); first (or second) generation immigrants from minoritized nations; individuals with linguistic diversity; people who are Middle-Eastern or Arab; members of the Latin-American diaspora. Racially and ethnically minoritized people and groups have experienced discrimination based on race, ethnicity, country or culture of origin.

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Theory of Change

I Educate Montgomery County and the Dayton Region has a theory of change that defines the steps for achieving a high quality diverse educator workforce.  Click on the image to read more about this work.