HeLA Democracy


Head of State - The Sovereign

Prime directives of The Sovereign (Head of State)

  • Represent: the Country - Heladiva ('Rata'), the Hela Culture ('Deiya') and Theravada Buddhism ('Samaya') on the national and international stage
  • Uphold the sacred Hela values of Humanity, Wisdom and Self-sufficiency
  • Uphold the sovereignty of the Hela Culture and the territorial integrity of Heladiva
  • Uphold the Hela Principle of Equity
  • Uphold the primacy of Theravada Buddhism (as the defender of the faith)
  • Uphold the country's constitution and the Hela System of Democracy
  • Call Elections on the 1st Saturday of March every 3 years
  • Appoint the Speaker to the National Assembly
  • Appoint the State Ombudsman, the Judicial Ombudsman and the Children's Ombudsman
  • Hold office as the patron of Hela Economics
  • Honour those worthy of honour on the 14th of April each year
  • Uphold the independence of the position.

The Sovereign is elected for a term of 6 years. The same person can be elected as the Sovereign for a maximum of two terms only. Candidates for the position of The Sovereign must have been born in Heladiva or if naturalised as citizens must have lived in Heladiva continuously for at least 15 years. A Sovereign candidate must be a person of good standing without any criminal convictions in any jurisdiction. A Sovereign candidate with a conflict of interest (e.g. who has served as a top ranking military officer or a CEO of a company) needs to have had at least 5 years of separation from such conflicts of interest. The Sovereign is perpetually legally accountable to the Independent Council against Corruption and Due Process (ICCDP).

To be elected as the Sovereign of Heladiva is to be bestowed upon a great honour, with great responsibility. To this end, the representative Council of Eight of The Maha Sangha (the great community of bhikkhus and bhikkhunis of Heladiva) will present the elected Sovereign with several Hela names of great standing. The elected Sovereign will then freely select one of these names as his or her new identity and simultaneously renounce his or her former names and identities for the term of the Sovereign office (i.e. 6 years). This would be a great occasion for celebration and occurs when the oath of office is taken. Blessed with the new Hela name and the oath of office taken, the Sovereign elect is declared as the Sovereign of Heladiva for the term of office of 6 years.