
All students are required to undertake the following subject:

English (compulsory)

This area of English is suited to students who enjoy reading novels with strong lead characters, and enjoy viewing and analysing films. Semester One will focus on Novel Study and Semester Two will focus on comparing a novel to a film that has similar themes and ideas. Students will develop an understanding of the structure of texts, characterisation and themes. Using the set texts, students will learn how to identify the societal views and values that have been presented, how authors use language to engage a reader and how to respond analytically to a text. Students will learn how to analyse the an author's point of view and compare this to a director's interpretation. Students will develop analytical and comparative writing skills and will have opportunities to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the transformation of texts. 

Pathway: VCE English, VCE Literature. 

Additionally, students may decide to choose the following Elective as a second English subject:

Fictional Worlds - Literature (elective - semester long)

Year 10 Literature is an alternative to general English study that allows students to examine the wonder, drama and thrills of stories and storytelling. By exploring a diverse range of novels, graphic novels, short stories, films, plays, lyrics and poetry, students become increasingly empowered to discuss texts. As both readers and writers, students extend their creativity and high-order thinking to express and develop their individual voices.

Pathway: VCE English, VCE Literature. Pathway: VCE English, VCE Literature.