VCE (Vocational Major)

PLEASE NOTE: As of 2023, the VCE-Vocational Major replaced VCAL as a vocational senior school certificate 

The VCE Vocational Major will develop your personal and practical life skills. It will help to prepare you for the next important stage of your life.

VCE-VM is designed for Year 11 and 12 students who:​

Students who choose VCE-VM are most likely to go on to: ​

Please visit this link for more information on the program: VCE and VCE Vocational Major | Victorian Government (  



This study enables students to:

· develop their everyday literacy skills through thinking, listening, speaking, reading, viewing and writing to meet the demands of the workplace, the community, further study and their own life skills, needs and aspirations

· participate in discussion, exploration and analysis of the purpose, audience and language of text types and content drawn from a range of local and global cultures, forms and genres, including First Nations peoples’ knowledge and voices, and different contexts and purposes

· discuss and debate the ways in which values of workplace, community and person are represented in different texts

· present ideas in a thoughtful and reasoned manner.


This study is made up of four units. Each unit deals with specific content contained in the areas of study and is designed to enable students to achieve a set of outcomes for that unit. The areas of study may be undertaken concurrently so that reading and writing outcomes are integrated, where this is deemed appropriate by the teacher. Each outcome is described in terms of key knowledge and key skills.



This study enables students to:

· develop and enhance their numeracy practices to help them make sense of their personal, public and vocational lives

· develop mathematical skills with consideration of their local, national and global environments and contexts, and an awareness and use of appropriate technologies.


This study is made up of four units. Each unit deals with specific content contained in the areas of study and is designed to enable students to achieve a set of outcomes for that unit.

The Numeracy study design is structured around four complementary and essential components. See the ‘Numeracy study components’ section for details of these components, including: eight areas of study; Outcome 1 numeracy contexts; Outcome 2 problem-solving cycle; and Outcome 3 mathematical toolkit.



This study enables students to:

· understand and apply concepts and terminology related to the workplace

· understand the complex and rapidly changing world of work and workplace environments and the impact on the individual

· understand the relationship between skills, knowledge, capabilities and the achievement of pathway goals

· develop effective communication skills to enable self-reflection and self-promotion

· apply skills and knowledge in a practical setting.


This study is made up of four units.

Unit 1: Careers and learning for the future

Unit 2: Workplace skills and capabilities

Unit 3: Industrial relations, workplace environment and practice

Unit 4: Portfolio preparation and presentation

Each unit deals with specific content contained in areas of study and is designed to enable students to achieve a set of outcomes for that unit. 



This study enables students to:

●  develop a sense of identity and self-worth

●  understand and apply concepts that support individual health and wellbeing

●  access, critique, synthesise and communicate reliable information

●  explain the role of community and the importance of social connectedness

●  practise the rights and responsibilities of belonging to a community

●  recognise and describe the attributes of effective leaders and teams

●  set and work towards the achievement of goals

●  work independently and as part of a team to understand and respond to community need

●  evaluate and respond to issues that have an impact on society

●  develop capacities to participate in society as active, engaged and informed citizens.


This study is made up of four units.

Unit 1: Healthy individuals

Unit 2: Connecting with community

Unit 3: Leadership and teamwork

Unit 4: Community project

Each unit deals with specific content contained in the areas of study and is designed to enable students to achieve a set of outcomes for the unit. 

Industry Specific Skills (TAFE)