Global Politics

Units 1-2

Australian and global politics is the study of how power is gained and exercised. It explores how these ideas shape political systems and in particular the characteristics of liberalism. Students study the Australian political system and compare it to a non-democratic political system. They then explore the global community and the global actors that are a part of it. They study globalisation and the connections between those different actors. Students also get the option to choose case studies to investigate in the areas of global cooperation and global issues.


In this unit students are introduced to the key ideas relating to the exercise of political power. This unit is contemporary in focus.

LEARNING ACTIVITIES Case study research, short answer questions, essays

KEY SKILLS REQUIRED Analytical reading and research, summarizing, formal writing and synthesizing evidence to draw conclusions, close reading, and note taking and participation in class discussion.

ASSESSED TASKS Short answer tests, essays, multimedia presentations, case studies or extended responses.


In this area of study students explore the roles and functions of key political actors in the Australian system. Students investigate case studies of political parties, interest groups and media issues to analyse the importance of these forms of participation in the Australian political system.

LEARNING ACTIVITIES Case study research, short answer questions, essays

KEY SKILLS REQUIRED Close reading and note taking, participation in class discussion, analytical reading and research, summarizing, formal writing and synthesizing evidence to draw conclusions.

ASSESSED TASKS Short answer tests, essays, multimedia presentations, case studies or extended responses and an end of year written examination.

Units 3-4

Unit 3: Global Actors

In this unit students investigate the key global actors in twenty-first century global politics. They use contemporary evidence to analyse the key global actors and their aims, roles and power.

LEARNING OUTCOMES Global actors Who are the key actors in contemporary global politics? From where does their power stem? What impact do these actors have on global politics? What challenges do these global actors face in achieving their aims? To what degree can these global actors challenge state sovereignty? Power in the Asia-Pacific region What is power? Why do different ideas about national interests exist? How is power exercised by an Asia-Pacific state? What is the most effective type of power for a state to use to pursue its national interests? How effective is the state in achieving its national interests?

KEY SKILLS REQUIRED Analytical reading and research, summarizing, formal writing and synthesizing evidence to draw conclusions, close reading, and note taking and participation in class discussion.

ASSESSED TASKS • Essay • Case Study Exercises -recording and reporting information and analysing the effect on the global community. • Tests –application and analysis tasks delivered within a limited time frame & short answer responses • Mid Year Examination -assessing the content of Unit 3

Unit 4: Global Challenges

In this unit students investigate key global challenges facing the international community in the twenty-first century. They examine and analyse the debates surrounding two ethical issues, which are underpinned by the contested notion of global citizenship.

LEARNING OUTCOMES Ethical issues and Debates Do we have a responsibility to uphold human rights everywhere? What is the best way to address people movement? In what ways should development occur? Can the world be rid of weapons and, if so, will it be safer? Global Crises What crises does the world face today? What are the causes of particular global crises? How have global actors responded to these crises and how effective are their responses? What challenges do global actors face in achieving resolutions to these crises?

KEY SKILLS REQUIRED Close reading and note taking, participation in class discussion, analytical reading and research, summarizing, formal writing and synthesizing evidence to draw conclusions.

ASSESSED TASKS • Case Study Exercises -recording and reporting information and analysing the effect on the global community. • Tests –application and analysis tasks delivered within a limited time frame & short answer responses • Extended responses VCAA ASSESSMENT – The overall Study Score will consist of: School Assessed Coursework Unit 3 (25%), School Assessed Coursework Unit 4 (25%), 2 hour written examination