Chinese First Language

Units 1-2

The study of Chinese can provide a basis for continued learning and a pathway for students into a number of postsecondary options. A knowledge of Chinese can provide students with enhanced vocational opportunities in many fields, including in banking and international finance, commerce, diplomacy, and translating and interpreting.


This unit is designed to extend students’ knowledge and skills in understanding, speaking and writing the language. Students are required to: converse in the language on a range of topics; convey orally the meaning of the language in its cultural context; produce personal and imaginative writing in the language; understand oral, visual and written information, select from and use this information in writing in the language for a specific purpose.

LEARNING OUTCOME 1 Student should be able to establish and maintain a spoken or written exchange related to an issue of interest or concern.

LEARNING OUTCOME 2 Student should be able to listen to, read and reorganise information and ideas from spoken and written texts.

LEARNING OUTCOME 3 Student should be able to produce a personal response to a fictional text.

ASSESSED TASKS • Discussion • listen to a spoken text (e.g. discussion, interview, broadcast) and extract and use information and ideas in a different text type • read a written text (e.g. article, report, letter) and extract and use information and ideas in a different text type. • Oral presentation.


This unit is designed to extend students’ knowledge and skills in understanding, speaking and writing the language. Students are required to: converse in the language on a range of topics; convey orally the meaning of the language in its cultural context; produce personal and imaginative writing in the language; understand oral, visual and written information, select from and use this information in writing in the language for a specific purpose.

LEARNING OUTCOMES • Participate in a spoken or written exchange related to making arrangements and completing transactions • Listen to, read, and extract and use information and ideas from spoken and written texts • Produce, in spoken or written form, a personal or imaginative piece.

ASSESSED TASKS • Formal letter OR Role-play OR Interview • Written piece –reorganising taped information into a different format • Written piece –reorganising printed information into a different format • Journal entry OR Personal account OR Short story • End of unit exam

Units 3-4

The study of Chinese develops students’ ability to understand and use a language which is spoken by about of quarter of the world’s population. It is the major language of communication in China and Singapore, and is widely used by Chinese communities throughout the Asia-Pacific region, including Australia.


This unit is designed to extend students’ knowledge and skills in understanding, speaking and writing the language. Students are required to: produce an original piece of writing; respond to spoken texts in writing; participate in an oral activity paying attention to pronunciation, intonation and phrasing.

LEARNING OUTCOMES • Express ideas in an original written piece • Analyse and use information from spoken texts • Exchange information, opinions and experiences.

ASSESSED TASKS • Personal or imaginative written piece of 250 words • Written response to spoken texts • Role-play –resolving an issue.


This unit is designed to extend students’ knowledge and skills in understanding, speaking and writing the language. Students are required to: produce an original piece of writing; respond to spoken texts in writing and translating; participate in an oral activity paying attention to pronunciation, intonation and phrasing.

LEARNING OUTCOMES • Analyse and use information from written texts • Respond critically to spoken and written texts.

ASSESSED TASKS • Response to written texts • Informative, persuasive or evaluative written piece of 250 –300 words • A three to four minute interview based on an issue related to the text studied. VCAA ASSESSMENT – The overall Study Score will consist of: School Assessed Coursework Unit 3 (50%), School Assessed Coursework Unit 4 (50%), and a 2 hour written examination in November (50%)