
Units 1-2

The language to be studied and assessed is modern standard German. The German language is a pluricentric language with different national standards in Austria, Germany and Switzerland and with regional varieties across Europe. Students are required to know that different standard versions exist in written and spoken German, but they are not required to study them.

Unit 1

In this unit students develop an understanding of the language and culture/s of German-speaking communities through the study of three or more topics from the prescribed themes listed on page 11 of the VCAA VCE Study Design. Each area of study in the unit must focus on a different subtopic. Students access and share useful information on the topics and subtopics through German and consolidate and extend vocabulary and grammar knowledge and language skills. They focus on analysing cultural products or practices including visual, spoken or written texts. Cultural products or practices can be drawn from a diverse range of texts, activities and creations. These may include the following: stories, poems, plays, novels, songs, films, photographs, artworks, architecture, technology, food, clothing, sports and festivals. Students apply acquired knowledge of the German culture and language to new contexts. Students reflect on the interplay between language and culture, and its impact on the individual’s language use in specific contexts and for specific audiences.

LEARNING ACTIVITIES Writing (reports, letters, charts, posters), responding to oral and visual texts, oral presentations (speeches, discussions, interviews, rehearsed and natural conversation, role plays), exploring and understanding culture, vocabulary development, grammar exercises and homework practice tasks.

KEY SKILLS REQUIRED Listening and responding, reading and responding, viewing and responding, speaking, writing and grammar. These skills must be practised regularly to meet the demands of increasing language competency.

ASSESSED TASKS A conversation, interview, role-play or speech; a written response to spoken and written texts; a written presentation or children’s story; an end of semester examination.

Unit 2

In this unit students develop an understanding of aspects of language and culture through the study of three or more topics from the prescribed themes set by VCAA. Each area of study must focus on a different subtopic. Students analyse visual, spoken and written texts. They access and share useful information on the topics and subtopics through German and consolidate and extend vocabulary, grammar knowledge and language skills. Cultural products or practices can be used to demonstrate how culture and perspectives may vary between communities. Students reflect on the interplay between language and culture, and its impact on meaning, understanding and the individual’s language use in specific contexts and for specific audiences.

LEARNING ACTIVITIES Writing (reports, letters, charts, posters), responding to oral and visual texts, oral presentations (speeches, discussions, interviews, rehearsed and natural conversation, role plays), exploring and understanding culture, vocabulary development, grammar exercises and homework practice tasks.

KEY SKILLS REQUIRED Listening and responding, reading and responding, viewing and responding, speaking, writing and grammar. These skills must be practised regularly to meet the demands of increasing language competency.

ASSESSED TASKS A written response to written or spoken texts; a written description, reflective article or evaluation of experiences, cultural insight or social attitudes; a personal oral response to an aspect of culture; an end of semester examination.

Units 3-4

The language to be studied and assessed is modern standard German. The German language is a pluricentric language with different national standards in Austria, Germany and Switzerland and with regional varieties across Europe. Students are required to know that different standard versions exist in written and spoken German, but they are not required to study them.

Unit 3

In this unit students investigate the way German speakers interpret and express ideas, and negotiate and persuade in German through the study of three or more subtopics from the prescribed themes and topics. Each area of study must cover a different subtopic, though teachers may choose to teach more than one subtopic in an area of study. Students interpret information, inform others, and reflect upon and develop persuasive arguments. They access and share useful information on the subtopics through German, and consolidate and extend vocabulary and grammar knowledge and language skills. Students consider the influence of language and culture in shaping meaning and reflect on the practices, products and perspectives of the cultures of Germanspeaking communities. They reflect on how knowledge of German and German-speaking communities can be applied in a range of contexts and endeavours, such as further study, travel, business or community involvement

LEARNING ACTIVITIES Writing (reports, letters, charts, posters), responding to oral and visual texts, oral presentations (speeches, discussions, interviews, rehearsed and natural conversation, role plays), exploring and understanding culture, vocabulary development, grammar exercises and homework practice

KEY SKILLS REQUIRED Listening and responding, reading and responding, viewing and responding, speaking, writing and grammar. These skills must be practised regularly to meet the demands of increasing language competency..

ASSESSED TASKS Role-play: A 3-4 minute role-play focussing on the resolution of a personal issue. Written response: to specific questions or instructions about written, spoken and viewed texts. Written response: 250 word personal, informative or imaginative piece of writing.

Unit 4

In this unit students investigate aspects of culture through the study of two or more subtopics from the prescribed themes and topics. Area of Study 1 and Area of Study 2 may focus on the same subtopic. Area of Study 3 should cover a different subtopic to the subtopic/s chosen for Areas of Study 1 and 2. Students build on their knowledge of German speaking communities, considering cultural perspectives and language and explaining personal observations. Students consolidate and extend vocabulary, grammar knowledge and language skills to investigate the topics through German. Students identify and reflect on cultural products or practices that provide insights into German-speaking communities. Cultural products or practices can be drawn from a diverse range of texts, activities and creations. Students reflect on the ways culture, place and time influence values, attitudes and behaviours. They consider how knowledge of more than one culture can influence the ways individuals relate to each other and function in the world.

LEARNING ACTIVITIES Writing (reports, letters, charts, posters), responding to oral and visual texts, oral presentations (speeches, discussions, interviews, rehearsed and natural conversation, role plays), exploring and understanding culture, vocabulary development, grammar exercises and homework practice tasks.

KEY SKILLS REQUIRED Listening and responding, reading and responding, viewing and responding, speaking, writing and grammar. These skills must be practised regularly to meet the demands of increasing language competency.

ASSESSED TASKS Reading and Responding: Analyse and use information from written texts. Essay: A 250-300 word informative, persuasive or evaluative written response. Oral Interview: 3-4 minute interview about a cultural product or practice.. Students will also complete both an oral and written examination at the end of the year.