Household Challenges: how to take part

Watch out for your card

Challenge cards have been delivered to letterboxes with your Stay Local around 4/5 May, as well as school book bags and given out at our launch (27th April) and a few other places.

They advertise the following challenges. 

Commit to 3 of the easy challenges below, then put the card in your window to show your support for our community to tackle climate change. 

We are counting the cards 25th May to 9th June, with the aim of 15% of all homes displaying one. We have support from a university to calculate CO2 saved!

If you can help us count the cards in your road please Contact us 

Didn't get a card? Collect one from the Community Centre and local shops (Co-op, Barnards, Kassia, Fish and chip shop, Grandeur Beauty, Grosvenor Physiotherapy, Bellissimo, Hebe, and Ginos) or you can Print your own.

Challenge 1: Help wildlife

Create a 1m square garden space/window box for nature

You could:

Challenge 2: Grow food

Grow some salad on your windowsill and eat it

See our guide from Garden Organic

Contact us if you need some seeds.

You could also grow pea shoots with cheap marrowfat peas from the supermarket and have harvests within 2-3 weeks!

Challenge 3: Save energy

Only boil the water you need

Only filling the kettle to the level of water you need could save £37 a year according to our experts. 

This is because heating water is typically the most intensive use of energy in the home.

It helps to  keep the kettle scale free

Challenge 4: Prevent waste

Reduce food waste by storing food correctly

You can also set yourself a reminder if food needs eating soon.

Challenge 5: Protect health

Have 3 conversations about climate change

As the saying goes, it's good to talk. 

Talk about any concerns you may have about climate change, and how you feel.

You could talk to friends, neighbours, work colleagues, or school friends.

If the person might have a different opinion to yours, this short video might help.

You could talk about:

Want to achieve even more?

So do we! 

Find out about our community projects