
Climate Café

It’s natural, rational, and normal to have a range of emotions about climate change. To stay healthy, we need to express and process these feelings. 

What is a Climate eMotion Café?

Climate eMotion cafés provide a welcoming, respectful, and safe space to take time out to think, share and listen to how people are feeling. This allows you to process your emotional responses to climate-related issues and risks.

Who can come along?

Any adults who live or work in Denmead. Places are limited and must be booked in advance.

What will happen?

A trained health professional will facilitate and open up discussions, providing a moment in time to speak and be heard.

Some people may discover feelings and emotions they were not fully aware of. Participants will experience the human warmth and comfort that comes from sharing together.

There are no guest speakers, experts, lectures, advice or judgements.

It is not about taking action – although this may help you decide if you want to change habits or take other actions.

Refreshments will be available before and/or after the session.

How can I take part?

Join the Greening Denmead mailing list so you don’t miss our invitation to book a place later in the year.

Why talk about ticks?

Ticks are more common due to climate change

Ticks can be active all year round, but they are most active in warmer months. They are usually found in grassy and wooded areas.

Diseases from ticks are on the rise. Catch them early to reduce risk of long term health issues.

The potential risk of Lyme Disease from tick bites need not stop you from enjoying the outdoors.

If you find a tick:

For more information, visit