
Constitution for Greening Denmead  

The name of the unincorporated association shall be Greening Denmead

In Greening Denmead, we aim to be a focal point and catalyst for local community action to address the climate and ecological emergencies in the village of Denmead, Hampshire, UK.  

As a result of our work, people who live or work in Denmead will benefit from being part of a better-connected community that: 

We will do this by: 

Anyone who lives or works in Denmead, supports the Aims of the group and has joined the email mailing list is automatically a Member of the Association. Membership automatically ceases when any of these requirements are no longer met. 

Greening Denmead aims to be as inclusive as possible. We will not discriminate on the grounds of sex, race (including colour, ethnic or national origin), sexual orientation, disability, gender reassignment, religious or political belief, pregnancy or maternity, marital status or age. 

The Greening Denmead Committee leads and co-ordinates the activities of Greening Denmead. The Committee will meet as necessary, at least four times per year.  

The Committee consists of up to 8 Committee members, who are elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Officer roles are: 

Other roles may be created as agreed by the Committee.  

In the event of an officer standing down during the year, nominations for a replacement will be sought from the Members via the mailing list and appointed by a vote of the Committee. 

At the adoption of the constitution, the officers will be elected by those present at the meeting. 

If required, the Management Committee (by a vote) may co-opt other people to serve on the committee, who need not be Members, to provide additional skills or knowledge.  

Working Groups 

Working groups may be formed as agreed by the Committee to take forward specific activities of the association. They will meet as required. There must be at least one Member in a working group who will report progress to the Committee. 

Management Committee Meetings 

The Greening Denmead Committee will invite any representative of a Working Group, and other specialists/advisors as appropriate to the agenda. Attendees who are not full Committee members may speak but not vote. 

The quorum1 of the committee is one half of its voting members and must be at least three people. 

Annual General Meetings 

An Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held within fifteen months of the previous AGM.  

Members will be notified of the date, time and venue of the AGM via the email mailing list, with at least 4 weeks’ notice. Other guests may also be invited but not vote. AGMs may be online. 

Nominations for Committee membership may be made to the Secretary before the meeting, or at the meeting.  

At the AGM: 

The quorum for the AGM is six Members. Decisions are by majority vote, with a show of hands. 

Special General Meetings 

A Special General Meeting may be requested by the committee or in writing from six Members, stating the reason for the request. 

The meeting will take place within 4 weeks of the request and Members will be notified by email of the date, time and location and agenda with at least 2 weeks’ notice. The meeting may be online. 

The quorum for the meeting is six Members. Decisions are by majority vote, with a show of hands. 

All questions that arise at any meeting will be discussed openly and the chair will seek to find general agreement that everyone present can agree to. 

If a consensus cannot be reached a vote will be taken and a decision will be made by a simple majority of Members present (or Committee Members in the case of a Committee meeting). If the number of votes cast on each side is equal, the chair of the meeting has an additional casting vote. 

A bank account will be maintained on behalf of the Association at a bank agreed by the Committee. 

Each transaction will require two signatures. There will be at sufficient signatories to the account to ensure their availability, nominated by the Committee (one to be the Treasurer). 

Records of income and expenditure will be maintained by the Treasurer and a financial statement given at least quarterly at meetings. An annual statement of accounts will be presented to the Annual General Meeting. 

All money raised by the Association will be spent solely on the Aims laid out in the constitution. No Member may benefit financially: all expenses will be strictly at cost and must be approved in advance by two members of the Committee. 

This constitution may only be amended at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting and with approval by two thirds of the Members present. The proposed constitution must be circulated to Members with the notice of the meeting. 

If changes to the constitution have been discussed at an AGM or SGM, attendees will be allowed to vote on these changes electronically, outside the AGM, with 1 week notice before votes are counted. 

The association may be dissolved at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting if agreed by a majority of the Members present. 

Any remaining money and assets will be shared among charitable groups and associations in the village with similar aims, as agreed at the meeting. No Member may benefit from the disposal. 


This constitution was approved by a meeting of the Greening Denmead Committee on 11th January 2024.