Greening Denmead

Local community action on climate change and biodiversity

Latest News 3/5/2024: 

A year of community action on climate change starts here!

On 27th April, Greening Denmead launched a year of community action on climate change in the village centre. 

Thank you to everyone who made our launch a fantastic success.  See our social media for photos :-)

Get your card up!

Watch out for a card through your door (with Stay Local delivered early May) with some easy challenges. 

We will count the cards (25th May to 9th June) and estimate the CO2 saved with help from the University of Southampton.

Join in with our community projects

We have over 20 volunteers helping create some amazing things like...

Don't miss out!

Please join our mailing list if you don't want to miss the fun and interesting events we have lined up.