Grow food

Denmead Community Garden 

We’re planning to set up a community garden in the grounds of Denmead Community Centre on School Lane. The community centre has kindly offered an area of their grounds for us to create a fenced garden, where we can grow fruit and vegetables as a community.

All residents of Denmead will be welcome to:

We’re also hoping to host a community planting event this summer.

Plant and seed swap events

In collaboration with Denmead Horticultural Society, we’re hoping to run plant and seed swaps throughout the year. If you have a surplus of seeds, or you’re overrun with plants, bring them along to one of these events. If you don’t have anything to swap, that’s absolutely fine too - come along and if something takes your fancy, just make a small donation.

Join our mailing list to receive updates about when and where these events will take place.