Community Projects

At Greening Denmead we have Parish Council funding, plus equipment and expert support from the Greening Campaign to take local action on the climate and biodiversity crises.

The Greening Campaign has 5 programmes:

Volunteers from our community have selected projects they would like to create, based on these programmes 

Space for Nature: Pollinator corridors and more

Do you want to help our local wildlife?

Our Space for Nature group are exploring places in Denmead to do just that, and would like to help you create your own pollinator patch.

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Grow Food: Community Garden

Would you like to learn about how to grow your own food and have fun?

You don't even need your own garden.

Our Cycle of the Seed group are creating a Community Garden and planning Plant Swaps

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Save energy (and money!)

Would you like your home to be warmer in winter and cooler in summer?

Our Warmer Homes group is offering FREE Thermal Imaging of your home as well as raising awareness of home hacks that will save you money.

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Prevent Waste: Toy library and more

Would you like to save money while reducing what you put in your bin?

Our Waste Prevention group want to help you.

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Protect Health

Did you know climate change is already affecting public health?

Our volunteers are promoting awareness of these risks and what to do about them.

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Can you help us?

Lots of people doing a little bit can make a BIG difference!

Check out our Volunteer Opportunities