September 2023 Meeting Minutes
Global Arts PTA Meeting Minutes
9/11/23 at 6pm
Attendees: Dawn Puroway, Stephanie Stegeman, Danielle Beck, Lynn Bourgoyne, Maureen Mullaney Vu, Courney Humm, Maya Nestingen, Daniel Yates, Tony Wittmann, Shannon Lindstedt, Eba, Mr. Sam, Stephanie Anderson, Cory Moyer, Marianne, Kelly Gallagher, Maren Olson, Marianne Milligan, Dan Becker, Zara Matta, Wondwosen E., Janenery, Michelle Klemmer, Erika Dennis, Jason Johnson, Anthony Perez, Eric Wilcox Freeburg, Marie S., Meghan Scully, Mary Bortscheller, Kate C., Ms. Asia, Shannon Lindstedt, Teresa Mozur, Yaoyao, Marie Smith, Julie Manthe, Soy Hilda, AJ Sanchez, Liza, Kate Christensen, Sara Nelson, Amy Burger Sanchez, David J. Crawford, Fred, Yuri, Chris Neve, Kaylan Pundsack, Danica Young-Neve, David J. Crawford, Kate C., Alyssa Olness, Jennifer Mulligan-Locket
Meeting called to order at 6:09 pm by Dawn Puroway
Welcome and Introductions - Dawn
Dawn Puroway, Stephanie Stegeman , Maureen Mullaney Vu, Danielle Beck and Lynn Bourgogne
Returning parents/caregivers share an experience from a PTA event/project last year
Sarah Nelson - shared a takeaway that seeing the faces of the kids having so much fun, being grateful for the kids for the shirts last year.
Courtney Humm - helped with the plant sale. It was super fun. Excited to now be at meeting and hopefully still volunteering for events
Maren Olsen - loved getting to be involved despite having a busy work schedule. One of the joys is getting to know more parents in the GAP community.
Ms. Asia - thanked the PTA group for consistency, the communication and the work that the PTA does. Appreciates that space being available. Global Arts is like a family/community. Thanks to Principal Jones and staff. Appreciates the community and the families
Jason Johnson - One of my favorite memories is of the Family Dance in 2020
Secretary’s Report - Maureen Mullaney Vu
Voted by Jason Johnson, Seconded by Courtney Humm. Motion Passed
What the Global Arts Plus PTA did last year
Support for Artist Residencies
$100 Teacher Reimbursal
8th Grade Recognition
Community Building Events
Teacher Appreciation Events
Health Office to - purchase extra clothes for accidents
Healthy relationships class
Coordinated Classroom Connectors
Treasurer’s Report - Stephanie
September 2023 Report
June 2023 Report
July/August 2023 Report
Carnival was last big event
Ended year $16,000
Goal was to return the $10,000 to savings account
Shared budgets and actuals
Hoping for $36,000
Gross receipts for 22/23 totalled over $50,000. This is the first time we have taken in this amount thanks in part to the “give a shirt” campaign where the PTA gave prek-7th graders a t-shirt. The community was generous due to the gap in fundraising during Covid.
Pointed out work place matches. - contact your company to see if they do this
Big annual expense was AIM Insurance
Request for 990 ez tax help. Deadline is Nov 15th
Membership dues
PTA plans for this school year and how you can be involved
We need organization help
Most immediate needs
Square One Arts
Gear Sale
Direct Ask
Sara Nelson - is offering to help lead Carnival
Courtney Humm is offering to help at Welcome Table
Ms. Beck - Other than late buses the start to school has been very smooth. We had more students in our community by adding the 4th 2nd grade class and 5th grade class. There are extended specialist offerings to support the extra classrooms
Partnering with focus beyond. Developmentally delayed adult students coming over 2 days a week as a work program to help in the library.
Ms. Bourgyne - recognizing the specialists at both campuses
Marie S. asked about the break down of events as well as dates and times
Family Liaison Report - Ms Dennis
Working on back to school get together - sept 28th? Between 5:30-7pm. Potluck type event. That will be in the Smore - monthly newsletter that Ms. Dennis puts out along with staff and PTA
October - take your parent or special person to school for Pre-K and K
November - family night that coincides with conferences
Working toward creating affinity groups
Podcast - connecting gaps in our community
Stephanie Anderson - is it on someones lists to update the school website with contact information?
Meeting Evaluation - Participants shared one feeling word into chat
Overload, Hopeful, Excited, Excited for the year ahead, community, grateful, connected
Next meeting: October 9 - in person!