February 2023 Meeting Minutes

Global Arts PTA Meeting Minutes 

02/13/23 at 6:00 pm

Meeting Participants: Principal Jones, Dawn Puroway, Stephanie Stegeman, Lynne Bourgoyne, Michelle Klemmer, Emily Harer, Danielle Beck, Kaylan Pundsack, Saul Salgado, Laku Wha, Tony Whittmann, Sarah Norby, Erick Dennis, Cara Weston, Jon and Paula

Meeting called to order at 6:05  pm by Dawn Puroway 

Introduction Discussion - Dawn Puroway

Secretary’s Report - Maureen Mullaney Vu (Absent) Stephanie Stegeman (Sub)

Treasurer’s Report - Stephanie Stegeman

Principal’s Report - Chreese Jones

Family Liaison Report - Ms. Dennis

Committees Update

1. Rolling out order forms this week: Cash, Check or Online Payments Accepted.

2. Due date is 3/17/23

3. Highlighted new offerings this year: Hijabs and Give a Shirt - Very exciting!

4. Discussed: “Give a Shirt” can be any donation amount.  People can give $1, or $3 dollars extra or $10 etc towards purchasing shirts for all scholars.

5. The PTA was unable to meet the goal of raising $25,000 dollars from the Direct Ask to buy spiritwear for everyone as was the goal.  The PTA is trying to balance the desire for staff and others to have spiritwear with the fact that this isn’t equitable.  A band aid solution - “Give -A-Shirt” so we can hopefully provide free shirts to those students who would like a shirt but couldn’t purchase one.  Ms. Becker-Peterson will be coordinating a meaningful delivery of these donated shirts with staff.  We ask for patience and collaboration with this new effort.

1. What makes you and your family feel like part of a community?  

Could be a school, faith, neighborhood, etc.  Does this give us ideas about how to build a stronger Global Arts community?

Notes recorded by break out rooms: (To be shared with Ms. Dennis as requested for Teacher Professional Development Feedback)


Upper Campus Students and Families are invited.  All students must be accompanied by an adult.

Stephanie Stegeman - “Any meeting worth having is worth evaluating”. 

Words included:

Reflective, interesting, hopeful, informative, and  collaborative

Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm