September 2022 Meeting Minutes
Global Arts PTA Meeting Minutes
9/12/22 at 6 pm
Attendance: PTA President Melissa Floyd, PTA Secretary Dawn Puroway, Assistant Principal Danielle Beck, Assistant Principal Lynn Bourgoyne, Michelle Klemmer, Jason Everett Miller, Jennifer Mulligan-Locket, Kim Kroetsch, Danielle Brua, Ericka Dennis, Stephanie Stegeman, Principal Chreese Jones, Jim Crawford, Dawn Goebel, Willa Smith, Michelle O’Conner, Sara Nelson, Tony Wittmann, Hanan Zavala, Emily Harer, Annie Becker Peterson, Maureen Nystrom, Carl Olsen, Kristin Fisher Rosel, Melanie Ronneberg, Michael Toohey, Maureen Vu, Andrew LaBarre, Asia Anderson, Tom W, Sarah Norby, Zeleke, Alyssa, Kimchi Nguyen, Kaylan Pundsack, Zainab
Call the meeting to order at 6:07 pm by Melissa Floyd
Kim Kroetsch, lower campus music teacher shared that in person gatherings are on Fridays at 3:25 pm
Treasurer’s Report
Will be posted on Memberhub
Melissa gave the report.
Teacher reimbursement from 2021-2022 ($100) will be in the form of a check sent the teacher’s home address
Teacher reimbursement for 2022-2023 will end on June 30, 2023
Direct ask fundraising letter - goal is to have that sent out in October
Family involvement
Fundraising (Square One Art, Plant Sale)
Planning fundraisers
Volunteering during fundraisers
Planning events (Coffee and Donuts to learn more about PTA, Carnival)
Volunteering at events
Volunteering during the school day
Engaging with other families
Google form to be able to let the PTA know how families would like to be involved.
Information from Principal Jones
Middle School Clubs
Looking at restructuring clubs so that more students can be involved
Currently there is:
Black Student Union (advisor Ms Asia)
Gender Sexuality Alliance (advisors Hustad and Ms Rasheed)
Unified Club (special education students with general education students, advisors Michelle O'Connor, Jim Funk, Emily Madland) - funded by Special Olympics
Possibly - Eco Club (Ms Harer), Latino group
Principal Cafes will be held this year with Principal Jones
conversations with families
different times during the school day
Various topics
3M provided cleaning supplies to the classrooms
Ms Dennis - family liaison
She is the bridge between the school and families
She will be putting together the family newsletter
Check in with her about deadline for getting information into the newsletter
Ideas for areas for the PTA to provide monetary support
Spirit wear
Ideally T-shirts for all students
buy one, give one?
End of the year 8th grade tshirts have been PTA funded each year
Artists to join Friday gatherings
4th grade SEALS team
Need for composition notebooks
Lower campus
particularly when they don’t have the fruit/veggie snacks provided which is in September, May/June
Checking in with the nurses office for allergies
Maybe 5th grade too
Reach out to each grade level for snack needs
Upper campus does not need snacks
PTA volunteer needs
Family engagement event - Sept 29 or Oct 4
Leadership is in need of a Vice President
Coat Closet
Jason Miller will take the lead at the Lower Campus
Need a lead for the Upper Campus
Jim Crawford (who has lead this effort in the past) will be available to help
Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm
Next meeting date and time to be determined
Respectfully submitted by Dawn Puroway