October 2022 Meeting Minutes
Global Arts PTA Meeting Minutes
10/10/22 at 6 pm
Attendance: PTA President Dawn Puroway, PTA Treasurer Stephanie Stegeman, PTA Secretary Maureen Vu, Principal Chreese Jones, Assistant Principal Lynn Bourgoyne, Assistant Principal Danielle Beck, Julissa Smith, Michelle Klemmer, Jason Johnson, Emily Harer, Heather Miller, Kimchi Nguyen, Tom Pundsack, Alyssa Olness, Kaylan Pundsack, Ericka Dennis, Michelle O’Brien, Michelle Jensen, Asia Anderson, Julissa Smith, Hasset Ticha, Hirut Dagne, Tanya Modelli, Tony Wittmann, Kler Moo, Damaris, Jenasis, Sara Nelson, Getachew SHarew, Jame Mackson, Ruben
Meeting called to order at 6:03 pm by Dawn Puroway
Introduction Discussion - Dawn Puroway
Welcome and introductions
Expectations - Dawn Puroway gave an explanation of Robert’s Rules. Shared information on meeting minutes, agenda for each meeting and voting. Clarified that anyone at the meeting is able to vote.
Mission Discussion
Dawn shared the mission of the PTA
Discussion opened on how the mission speaks to meeting participants and how we can live this mission
Michelle Jensen, mother of a 7th grader, asked for clarification about the scope of the mission fulfilling the infusion of arts into the curriculum. Is this too narrow in scope? Should we make the mission broader?
Jason Johnson added the mission was written to emphasize what’s unique about global arts, fundraising for supporting the school and the arts mission.
Maureen Mullaney mentioned equitable fundraising, making sure the language in written communication is diverse.
Secretary’s Report
Motion to approve minutes. Jason Johnson clarified that the Executive committee meeting minutes are received. Executive committee minutes were included because of the resignation of past officers. Moved by Jason Johnson. Seconded by Stephanie Stegeman.
Abstention - Michelle Jensen
Motion passed
Motion to approve agenda in chat. Seconded by Danielle Beck. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report - Stephanie Stegeman
Stephanie shared the September snapshot of savings, checking and the credit card statement.
Advertise Amazon Smile - let more people know.
Memberhub - $10 payment to be part of PTA. They also pull money out to pay for PTA dues.
Old payments were deposited this past month (Spirit wear, Family Coffee, Square One, Benevity Community Impact Fund, Anonymous Donation)
Expenses included Insurance payment, Member Hub, Credit Card Minimum payment and Reimbursements.
Savings account information was shared.
Credit Card Information - PTA zoom account will be canceled. PTA will be using the school’s zoom account going forward. Automatic minimum payments were being processed with interest. Credit card was paid off to take care of balance so PTA will not paying that interest anymore
Julissa Smith asked why the PTA would keep a balance on the card and not pay it off. Why pay interest?. Stephanie responded that the card is now paid off. Question as to whether or not the card should even be kept open.
Teacher reimbursements - it is now clear which teachers still need to be reimbursed. Teachers who have outstanding reimbursements should connect with Stephanie. Moving forward, plans to improve the reimbursement process. Google Form reimbursement has been well received.
Banking situation - there have been some recommendations about moving to a different bank. US Bank has some website issues. Dawn Puroway pointed out that one of the main difficulties is the ability to log in even with the correct information. Stephanie plans on giving US Bank a month or two. Dawn clarified that a vote on changing banks would not be necessary.
Budget sharing - Stephanie went over budget categories and what potential upcoming expenses will be
Ability to provide cookies at open house, send middle school clubs, spirit wear for entire school - every kid gets a shirt, staff appreciation lunch, each teacher could be reimbursed $100. $26,990 is the total amount that would be needed to fund. Budget will appear in the meeting minutes.
Kaylan Pundsack asked about prior years. Was PTA balancing to a non-deficit? Stephanie responded that in past years the PTA always had enough money to cover expenses. Since the PTA has not done any substantial fundraising in 3 years we are behind.
Jason Johnson asked if the plan would be to raise money before spending and asked how will the PTA tie fundraising to spending. Stephanie Stegeman responded that the spirit wear shirts is a new item. PTA has been offered very good pricing so far. Buy 1 get one shirt fundraising is a possibility. Board members would like to make sure that every kid in the school gets a shirt. Then orders could be opened up to special items like hoodies etc. PTA will not fund tshirts it unless there is money to do so.. This is a framework and a plan rather than a commit.
Michelle Jensen asked who typically approves this budget? Pointed out that the PTA cannot approve this budget since it is not balanced. Asked if there are any reserves that are held back that PTA is not accounting for. Dawn Puroway responded that the PTA also needs to go into next year with a cushion. Stephanie responded that the savings account has always had approximately $10,000. That account may need to be tapped into to pay for outstanding teacher reimbursements from the past year.
Julissa Smith asked if it would be helpful if there was a line item to see what the plan and timing is around fundraising. Dawn asked if anyone has ideas or experience/interest in helping with fundraising that would be appreciated. PTA would like to come to the November meeting with a better idea of the budget and timeline going forward.
Stephanie pointed out that the PTA is not planning on doing any big spending in the near future. Big payouts tend to be later in the school year.
Jason Johnsnon mentioned that while the PTA has in the past approved a standard classroom reimbursement for now that should be left as a work in progress having a specific motion for the group to vote on teacher reimbursements. Jason moved that the PTA authorize teacher reimbursements up to $100 per licensed staff member with receipt totaling not more than $4000. Seconded by Kaylan Pundsack. Motion approved.
Principal’s Report - Chreese Jones
Thank you to the new Executive Board. This has been an involved transition. Time and commitment is appreciated to move for a smooth transition. Encourage other parents and guardians to do what they can to support this program
GAP is thriving and growing in the 6th week of school. Each family should have received one call from a staff member.
Excitement about residencies. Arts TOSA = Teacher on Special Assignment shared by Ms. Kretch and Ms. Rasheed at upper campus. Supporting integrated units of art into core curriculum.
Liability insurance is a new expense that has come up. She is excited for the SCIP = School Continuous Improvement Plan support with some action steps.Teachers are committed to that work.
Communication will go out to families tomorrow. She is sensitive to how much communication is going out at one time. We have 2 separate gatherings at both campuses. Upper Campus gathering is in the morning and is being live streamed. Lower Campus gathering is in the afternoon. Desire it to make live streaming available for Lower Campus.
Special Ed teachers are being hired.
Substitute Teachers have been needed every day since school started. Encouraged PTA members to send a note, a card, a text to thank teachers for filling in the gaps.
Family Liasion Report - Ericka Dennis
Survey was sent out. 90 people responded. The survey was translated in multiple languages. In the English survey results, 41% preferred Monday PTA meetings. 46.7% preferred 6pm-7pm. Virtual meetings were 54.4% preferred. 63.3% said no childcare would be needed. Responses were consistent in other languages. Amharic responded 56.6% would need childcare. Transportation to future conferences would be an issue for those families. For Oromo speaking families in person meetings would be best. No responses from the survey translated in Hmong.
Family Night will be on Conference Night November 14th from 5:30pm -7:30pm. Plan to showcase clubs and afterschool programs. Tables will be set up in the corridor. BSU, GSA, and the art teacher will have interactive tables set up. Food Trucks will be present with a $1 off coupon for participants. Ericka asked if the PTA would like to have a table at the event. Board members indicated “Yes”. What kind of activity will the PTA like to have? This will just be at Upper Campus.
Ms. Dennis offered her help to the PTA if needed.
Ruben asked a question about the survey and if the school had considered if conferences can be virtual. Principal Jones responded that it will look differently at both campuses. For Lower Campus it will be hybrid (parent’s choice.) Teachers will be available for families either in person or virtually.
Decision to wait for the next PTA meeting for small group breakouts.
Committees - Fundraising, Community Events, Communication - Dawn Puroway
Fundraising will work on the direct ask letter and Square One
Community Events - 1st grade families to play at the playground on a certain night. Virtual or in person coffee or tea for middle schoolers. Kaylan Pundsack offeried to help with the direct ask letter as well as Jason Johnson.
If anyone hears about ideas for community building and fundraisers the PTA is open to new ideas.
Stephanie Stegeman - “Any meeting worth having is worth evaluating”.
Encouraged meeting participants to include one word in the chat to indicate how they felt about the meeting.
Words included: relieved, thankful, hopeful (2), connected (2), grateful, optimistic, informative, Intrigued and optimistic! Thanks for all your hard work! Thank you!
Meeting Adjourned At 7:30
Respectfully Submitted by Maureen Mullaney Vu