Preserve the Park

“I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees for the trees have no tongues.” ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

Have Your Voice Heard

Arlington County is part of the NOVA Parks network and contributes around a million dollars a year to NOVA Parks.

Please let your County Board members know about your concerns for the Upton Hill project that has laid down more asphalt and cut down mature trees right next to an RPA; the need for NOVA Parks to devote more funding for maintenance of Upton Hill Park; and NOVA Parks plans for the W&OD trail widening that will cut down more trees next to Four Mile Run.

County Board Members:

  1. Chair, Libby Garvey

  2. Katie Cristol

  3. Christian Dorsey

  4. Matt de Ferranti

  5. Takis P. Karantonis

Also contact NOVA Parks directly. Board members are listed on their website and use Board Members and Executive Director Contact Information: The chairman Michael Nardolilli is one of the Arlington County representatives. County Clerk Paul Ferguson is the other Arlington County Representative to the NOVA Parks Board.

Several Arlington County commissions have equities in the project. Please let your concerns be known to them. Send an e-mail or attend their regular monthly meeting to give a few minutes of public comment at the beginning of the meeting. Meetings are conveniently held at the County Board building at Courthouse right next to the Courthouse metro. Meetings usually start at 7 PM, but check their websites for room, time, agenda.

  1. Park & Recreation Commission (PRC) -- Staff Liaison Marco Antonio Rivero Meets every third or fourth Tuesday.

  2. Urban Forestry Commission (UFC) -- Staff Liaison Vincent Verweij Meets every fourth Thursday.

  3. Environment and Energy Conservation Commission (E2C2) -- Staff Liaison Adam Segel-Moss Meets every fourth Monday.

  4. Transportation Commission (TC) -- Staff Liaison Richard Best Meets at 7:30 PM. Check their website for dates.

  5. Pedestrian Advisory Commission (PAC) -- Staff Liaison David Patton Meets every second Wednesday.

  6. Bicycle Advisory Commission (BAC) -- Staff Liaison Leah Gerber Meets every first Monday.