Preview of Parking Lot
To Come
New Meadowlark Botanical Gardens parking lot. NOVA Parks cut down a lot of trees.
New Meadowlark Botanical Gardens parking lot. NOVA Parks cut down a lot of trees.
Looks like a newly developed mall.
Looks like a newly developed mall.
Old parking lot at Meadowlark was surrounded by trees making it cool and inviting, a nice entrance way for a park.
Old parking lot at Meadowlark was surrounded by trees making it cool and inviting, a nice entrance way for a park.
Urban Heat Island effect 8 August 1990. You can see the cool area that is Upton Hill Park just east of the hot area that is Seven Corner on the west side of the image. Will be interesting to check in the coming years to see how the red has spread into Upton Hill thanks to the larger parking lot.
Urban Heat Island effect 8 August 1990. You can see the cool area that is Upton Hill Park just east of the hot area that is Seven Corner on the west side of the image. Will be interesting to check in the coming years to see how the red has spread into Upton Hill thanks to the larger parking lot.