FWC Data Access

Last Update 2023/03/30

Information on how to download/access FWC (volunteer & data logger field & well measurements) raw, processed & GIS datasets, images & maps.  For visual insights into our project see also our "Images & Videos" webpage.

Data available

The SSI FWC webmap provides an overview of the FWC field data available for download (and locations). Note - owing to limitations in the FWC App development software used (Epicollect5), two download versions "V2" and "V3" are available (these are "static" and "live" versions respectively), both datasets are required to access all raw acquired FWC field data. 
To review what's available on freshwater in the public realm, have a look at the various agency mapping tools (cf. our "Island Data Access" webpage).

Data Downloads

For data downloads, click the relevant link(s) below to download:

A FWC data download is also available via the FWC Pacific DataStream website.

Data Shares - Previous & Ongoing

Our FWC is now available, for review, analysis and download, via a FWC Pacific DataStream site. 

We have a periodic FWC data share arrangement with Water Rangers, a Canada-wide freshwater stewardship group , coordinating volunteer water quality data collection across the country (cf. the 2019 Water Rangers - WWF "Growing the Flow").   Together with the "live" Pacific Datastream dataset our island-based FWC data is now available any Canadian watershed research project. 

Our FWC data was made available to Simon Fraser University for a 2020 FWC-SFU summer project, with an SFU report by Howe and Allen during Q4 2020 (cf. 2020 - Linkages between Stream Chemistry and Groundwater Chemistry, Salt Spring Island, British Columbia).

Our data has been utilised in the CRD Weston Creek Water Budget study, currently being finalised.  A link will be shared here when available.

Data Access Online

All users have access to our SSIFWC webmap FWC field data locations (V2 and V3), and simple data charts viewer (including for our expanding FWC well sampling).  Our SSIFWC App users have read-only (and download) access to our FWC cloud database(s) records via the Epicollect5 online interface.  

For SSIFWC App access to browse/review data, or for a live "API" interface for technical GIS/mapping use (via PostGres), please contact the SSI FWC Project Lead for further details.

Our raw (and live!) SSIFWC dataset is now available via a freshwater data access portal courtesy of DataStream, click FWC Datastream to view, interrogate (via charts, maps and statistics), or download our entire FWC dataset, or a part thereof!

Field Volunteer & Equipment Images & Timelapse data

For field images of volunteers in action, of our FWC field equipment being deployed, or to see extracts of our "wetland" timelapse series" in the Xwaaqwum watershed visit Field Images and videos

SSI Freshwater Images & Videos

Visit Images & Videos to review the full range of SSI freshwater images, from a multitude of island watershed sites!

SSI Maps

A selection of FWC field area maps.