Images, Videos and Timelapse  (& Maps)

LAST UPDATE 2023/03/20

This page contains links to FWC field and home office images & videos, by island area, for use in education & outreach. 

FWC Field Images & Videos

A variety of FWC seasonal creek, wetlands and watersheds FWC, field and homeoffice volunteers, and equipment deployed images and videos, are available for educational and outreach use.  See below for further details, and our SSI FWC webmap for their watersheds & locations.

NORTH "1997" Watershed - roadside "falls"

North Island Images

A selection of field data collection, equipment and volunteer images, from across the island's northern watersheds, by AREA/Watershed (watershed code):

More watersheds and field, volunteers, equipment image uploads to follow! 

CENTRAL Xwaaqw'um Watershed (N) - Lee Creek "falls"

Central Island Images

A selection of field data collection, equipment and volunteer images, from across the island's central watersheds, by AREA/Watershed (watershed code):

More watersheds to follow! 

SOUTH "2112" Watershed - "Ribbon Falls"

South Island Images

A selection of field data collection, equipment and volunteer images, from across the island's southern watersheds, by AREA/Watershed (watershed code):

More watersheds to follow! 

FWC Volunteers & Equipment Images

A selection of SSI images of our FWC volunteers, and/or some of our FWC field equipment.

NORTH 1983 Watershed - a key group of FWC field volunteers (courtesy of Team Fernwood).

In-the-field videos, FWC SSI Watersheds & Creeks 

A selection of SSI moving water creeks, waterfalls and field data collection videos, from across the island's watersheds.

Moving water image uploads continue! 

SOUTH Weston Creek Watershed - creek outfall

In-the-field, FWC wetlands 

A selection of images in some of our island's wetlands from across the island's watersheds.

Wetland image uploads continue! 

CENTRAL 9117 Watershed - a wetland

Our WPS film "Freshwater Salt Spring" 

A SSI Water Preservation Society "Freshwater Salt Spring” film, provides an introduction to freshwater on an (our) island, and outlines the importance of natural systems in maintaining a delicate freshwater balance.  This film is a part of a larger "SSI Watershed Stewardship" documentary film initiative,  for further information on this, and to get involved, please visit the TSS ERN working group's  “seeking volunteers”

Freshwater on Salt Spring Island, in watersheds everywhere? 

Images of Significant SSI Weather Events

A developing... collection of "significant weather /rain events",  moving water images and video captures from our SSIFWC volunteers, from various island watersheds:

SOUTH Larlow Creek post 202111 - Atmospheric River...

Images of SSI Rubbish in our Watersheds

A developing collection (sadly) of watershed related "rubbish"., in, and close-to, some of our island's creek systems... and perhaps local black-pipe freshwater off-takes!

CENTRAL/SOUTH Fulford Creek - a tire... and in the watershed there is certainly more than one!

Images of SSI Freshwater Oddities

A developing... collection of freshwater related "island oddities".  Considered odd as, from our regional (island-wide) FWC dataset, the visual observation(s) and /or chemistry outlier(s) (++),  these are only seen at one of the regular FWC field sites.

A limited number... of entries being sought!

SOUTH Larlow Creek in-creek chemical spikes, origins unclear (though not just seasonal applications of road salt...)

SOUTH-CENTRAL Fulford Creek watershed a longer duration 2019Q1 winter conductivity spike in-creek, the result of a prolonged (several week) snowcap on the Tuam-Bruce-Sullivan range (South island).

FWC SSI Creeks - Timelapses & Animations

From the Xwaaqw'um Watershed timelapse images, an animated diary, from the "wetlands II" camera (courtesy of a SSI Foundation WPS, FWC grant 2020-21):

20200917-20201109 Fall - wetland filled (rapidly)!

20201130-2021224 Fall - wetland fullness

20210220-202101 Winter - snow (the image date stamps are wrong)!

20210317-20210411 Spring - what will the wetland water level (and groundwater table) do?

20210412-20210505 early Summer - it's greening up and wetland water levels (and the groundwater table) are holding

20210506-20210620 mid Summer, wetland still full - local shallow groundwater table stable, so far...

20210718-20210905 late Summer, wetland water level slowly going down and then just residual pools - the groundwater table is now at/below this wetland site level, but is still supporting Lee Creek (downslope to the SE) with some residual aquatic habitat as a result of groundwater (baseflow)?

20210906-2021023 moving into Winter, from a wetland almost dry  (Sept 17th) to one filling rapidly - shallow groundwater and downstream creek flows recovering!

20211103-20211222 Winter-I, wetland full (and heron...) - groundwater table at surface at this wetland II site

20211223-202201-20 Winter-II, wetland full - groundwater table at surface at this wetland II site.  Snow precipitation and ice, means reduced groundwater recharge (temporarily)!


20220120-20220411 Winter-III, wetland full - groundwater table at surface at this wetland II site

20220412-20220508 Winter-Spring - foliage reappearing!

20220509-20220626 Spring-Summer - water level holding steady, with lower June rainfall, signs of groundwater baseflow contributions in effect?!

20220830-20220703 & 20220702-20220607 Summer - water level initially holding steady, then a slow fall, signs of residual groundwater baseflow contributions to the wetlands in effect?


0220926-20230123 Fall-Winter - water levels stable(!) and seasonal changes enacted gracefully!
20230316 20230509 WInter-Spring - the transition into a greener wetland and decidous canopy , wetland waterlevels relatively static.

Note - all intermediate files from the above animation timelapse extracts for the Xwaaqw'um wetlands II site are available - please contact the SSIFWC Project Lead for further details.

From the Stowell Creek Watershed -  a crude "time lapse" through the season, at the Stowell Creek Outfall fish ladder (close to, but not, the actual watershed sea-outfall).  No salmon visible...

Salt Spring Island and Fulford Harbour sea-levels - geological time...
Crude animations to show what has happened with sea-level and climate change over the last few thousand years, on a semi-regional/islands sea-level change scale (15,000yr - 6,000yr; Yorath et al 2002) and a local, south island (Fulford Harbour) sea-level change (12,200yr - present;  Wyatt, 2015)

Other relevant animations... coming soon?

SOUTH Xwaaq'wum Watershed - wetland II, Jan., 2021, Sep., 2021 and Nov, 2021.

CENTRAL Stowell Creek Watershed - Stowell Creek at sea outfall, Mar., 2020 (image courtesy of Alan Martin).

Island Black Pipes... 

A selection of field images of the island's "black pipes" and other surface freshwater off-takes (abstractions, aka domestic freshwater supplies).  The black pipe images are from freshwater off-takes.  Sometimes these pipes are associated with very shallow in-creek "wells" (or collars), or are simply in (higher maintainance) pipe locations just nestling in a surface creek or pond freshwater bodies.  

The recorded black pipe field sites do not provide clear indications of the degree to which these freshwater abstraction services are in-use (and not all are, or perhaps need to be, registered?).  However, all of the black pipe sites are candidates for "casual" domestic-use freshwater off-takes*... If these off-takes operate(d) in the summer they are likely partly, or entirely, "ground water" fed.

*Note - contamination of these local "black pipe" water supply systems and aquatic ecosystems(!) by anthropogenic activities in and around our island's creeks , has happened. Please look after our creeks! 

Island Wells

Cf our Wells in Watersheds webpage.

CENTRAL Weston Creek Watershed - black pipe

SOUTH Larlow Creek Watershed - black pipe

WPS, FWC Project - Image & Video Copywrite

Note - copywrite for all FreshWater Catalogue images & videos belongs with the WPS and the FWC.  We are grateful for due acknowledgement in any use, or publication, of these educational resources.  Thank you.

SSI Watershed Maps

A variety of local detail FWC field area basemaps are now available together with various island area basemaps. Cf. the CRD Watersheds on SSI Island - for a current island watersheds overview.   You can make your own "live" local area watersheds and/or other attributes (faults, geology, wells, LOT lines etc) map using our online SSIFWC webmap.