SSI, NORTH Watersheds

"Mansell Creek (MNCK) Watershed "Notes" 

- Dunbabin Park area to a coastal outfall in Long Harbour-

Last update 2024/01/31

SSI North Area  - overview watersheds (colour coded, CRD, 2018) & watershed note areas

North Island, Mansell Creek (MNCK) Watershed

From our ongoing North Island, Freshwater Cataloguing - notes on the Mansell Creek watershed area. Cf. the SSI FWC webmap for field locations and charted information (where available).

The content of these "Notes" entries is dependant on the information that is currently available, from FWC volunteer work, FWC reporting or from other sources.  Additional  volunteers in this area would be great!

Note - if you have additional insights into this area (the watershed, it's creeks or wetlands), can help with site(s) access, or are interested in being involved in data collection for this project area, please contact the SSIFWC Project Lead.

For now these notes draw heavily extracts from our monthly FWC "Which Creek Is It" Competition, from our Salt Spring Island FreshWater Catalogue Watershed Stewardship Group Facebook page, with "field note" addendums where additional information has become available. Additional volunteer resources will enable us to do more!

General Watershed & FWC Creek Information:

The August 2023 Which Creek Is It (WCIT) and the (FWC volunteer) submitted April, 2019 WCIT competition creek was Mansell Creek in located in the "Mansell Creek" watershed. 

The Mansell Creek (MNCK) watershed is located in a little known, but oft visited (or at least travelled through...), north Salt Spring Island area, containing the Dubabin ribbon park. The watershed has a single, surface watershed, freshwater flow outlet - discharge to the sea, this is Mansell Creek.  The creek discharges into a narrow, constrained and elongate, NW-SE oriented estuary area.

Since 2021 we have been collecting freshwater catalogue data from this North Island watershed creek system, If you are interested in being involved in please contact the SSIFWC Project Lead for further information.

The Mansell Creek Watershed - Mansell Creek

Historical & Other Watershed Insights: 

The Mansell Creek watershed contains numerous ponds and wetlands and extensive low gradient fish habitat, with local beaver activity.  From the literature Mansell Creek is a fish (cutthroat trout) bearing stream, with relatively low flows (Barnett, et al., 1993).  Mansell Road is considered to be the upper limit for anadromous fish migration (McCullough M., 2011). A small part of the creek system has been modified to (re)develop in-creek Coho salmon habitat (SSI Salmon Enhancement Society, 1998).

Note - any other local insights, or interested in contributing to the historical/other notes on our islands' watersheds, please contact the SSIFWC Project Lead.

FWC "Citizen Science" Watershed Notes - Reporting: 

It’s early days for detailed working model(s) for the Mansell Creek watershed, and the Mansell Creek field data does need to be integrated into developing island-wide hydrological models.  Some big picture observations/interpretations can be made:

Mansell Creek shows typical groundwater controlled seasonal flow and chemistry variability.  

A crude, inverse, relationship between creek water temperature and air temperature, and conductivity variability through the summer (groundwater) and winter (precipiation dominated) indicate a seasonal groundwater (baseflow) contribution to this creek system - cf What is Conductivity?

The creek shows a strong precipation vs rainfall relationship with an initial flow-lag response likely attributable to initial ground saturation levels.

FWC Images and Videos:

Mansell Creek Watershed FWC field images. Note - all FreshWater Catalogue images & videos copywrite belongs with the WPS and the FWC.  We are grateful for due acknowledgement of copywrite in any use or publication of these educational resources.  

Other Local Area Resources: