Island Freshwater Data Access

Last Updated: 2023/03/30

 Some useful online resources for SSI oriented freshwater data and beyond, not exhaustive...

Local, Province & Federal/Country (Freshwater) Data Access 

For an introduction to the island's watersheds and water bodies, the CRD Watersheds of Salt Spring Island map is a good place to start.  In addition to this island watersheds overview there are variety of map (GIS) and text based query tools available for access to, and investigation of, local freshwater records and locations.  A number of these data access and visualisation tools are outlined here.  

Note - the online webmap based query tools outlined below often provide information and an elegant visual context, though are not always easy to use for "personal projects" (saving and feature import options are often limited/non-existent).  These web-maps often do not give you want you want/need in one place.  

Local - the (our) Salt Spring Island FreshWater Catalogue (SSIFWC) data and database

Details of access, to the raw and processed public field dataset, from our island's very own FreshWater Catalogue project, is available on our FWC Data Access webpage, with the recent addition of a FWC data view/visualisation now on the PacificDatastream beta site.  Our SSIFWC webmap data visualisation tool is described further below.

Province - Aquarius 

Aquarius is a freshwater-oriented province online data access system enabling viewing of data from local island data-collection stations. 

An example of how to use Aquarius to pursue the Fulford Creek data (discharge, water level, water temperature and air temperature): records from the active station - “08HA0020 - Fulford Creek near Fulford Harbour”

Province - Groundwater Wells and Aquifers 

The Groundwater Level Data Provincial Groundwater Observation Well Network provides access to the small number of actively monitored on-island wells.  CfSSI Well Notes for further information on our island wells.

Province - West Coast Region Low Streamflow Reports 

Province - Water Wells 

For those interested in the island's water wells (and their own water well records!),  there is a very useful BC province freshwater well search website.  Note - there may be some 4000+(!) wells on Salt Spring Island, ca. 1300 of these are not registered (Golder, 2019), anecdotally alot of wells are not in the registered list...

Province - Water Licences 

For those interested in the island's water resources records (and their own water records!), an interesting and very useful BC province freshwater records Water Licences website. To find "water licences users" select how you want to query the province database, to get water data records for SSI for example:

The "Scanned Water Licences" link provides you with the issued licence information for a given location. Two links are given a "Lic tiff" (Conditional Licence) and a "tec tiff" (diagram for piping intake layout).  

It's worth persevering with the BC Water Licences Query website. There is some interesting information on freshwater sources and local usage, with the search results information explaining some of the (many) black pipes, and other creek off-takes abstracting water, from the island's streams, springs, etc.  Not all of these pipes are/need to be registered.  However, all of these freshwater abstraction sites are candidates for "casual" domestic freshwater offtake and contamination!

Country - World Wildlife Fund (Canada), Watersheds

From FWC work done as a part of a 2018-2019 Water Rangers - World Wildlife Fund Canada "Canadian Sub-watersheds Data Deficit" project our SSI FWC is in the WWF Watersheds Report map.

Salt Spring Island Watershed Protection Alliance - Technical Library

The Saltspring Island Watershed Protection Alliance (SSIWPA) online Technical Library provides links to reports on many aspects of SSI freshwater (eg ongoing well monitoring), though drilling down into this library to find stuff can be a challenge.   For more on the local island freshwater literature please have a look at our Resources, Reports webpage.

UVIC School-based Weather Station Network

A variety of weather station data types are recorded at a weather stations located at a number of SSI schools and are supported by a University of Victoria (UVIC) school weather station network.  Data downloads from this UVIC site are available for projects requiring local weatherstation data.


There are a variety of (web) mapping (GIS-lite) interfaces that allow you to peruse key Island freshwater datasets.  Unfortunately the different interfaces give access to different data subsets (and do not usually allow you to save what you have created...). 
Our very own SSI FWC webmap development is moving towards bringing all the key SSI freshwater related information together, including the work of the FWC!  

Some other useful web mapping interfaces:

GIS - BC Agriculture Water Calculator

This very neat Agriculture Water Calculator and it's webmap interface give access to a variety of water related features, but not watersheds!  The calculator is useful for insights into what is locally in-place (wells, well reports offtakes etc) on SSI, and for your planning!

GIS - IT, MapIt Mapping

The public-facing IT MapIt webmap interface provides access to a variety of IT area planning related map layers, including some key freshwater related datasets, but not wells...

GIS - CRD, Regional Map Mapping

The public-facing CRD Map webmap interface provides access to a variety of CRD area planning related map layers, including some key freshwater related datasets but no well records...

GIS - Gov,BC, Map Services

The public-facing BC IMap webmap, freshwater Data Catalogue and Groundwater Wells and Aquifers webmap interfaces provides access to a variety of BC province scale planning related map layers, including some key freshwater related datasets, though this service does not contain all local SSI datasets.

And finally, if you wish to download GIS related data to your computer for your own research some of this is available from the online BC Data Catalogue, BC Freshwater Atlas, CRD Data via Map Services and other sites eg Canadian Open Data.

Note - if you want to get serious about mapping SSI data you will need a full blown GIS package for home/personal use (recommendation use QGIS, excellent, free, open source software for Apple and PC devices).